Chapter 6

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   A few weeks into school, the soccer team began to practice and sort the students into their teams. He was back with the pito squad and they were playing a friendly match. It was a very warm day out and there were a lot of adolescent boys sweating in the heat. The ball was passed over to Aldape and he kicked it with all of his force as another player tried to block his kick. This caused the ball to go nearly straight up and caused Alex to fall backwards. As he did the ball was aimed perfectly and it blocked out the shape of the sun for a split second before Alex caught himself. The ball thudded onto the ground and Alex bent over to catch his breath looking around him. The migraine was back and he decided to go home for the day. The match was pretty much over and a few others had already left.
   He can't piece together why he gets a simultaneous headache and his gut twists itself up each time he looks at the sun. Or why they started on his birthday. If the quack ass docters couldn't figure it out then there probably wasn't anyone in town with a good explanation. Maybe the article he had read weeks before had a factor  to play in it? That's a long run. No matter how many 'end of the worlds' there were, we've been taught that no man on earth would be able to depict the exact moment the world will end.

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