The supposably "Apple cider"

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Sour sweet knew Indigo and Lemon Zest was doing something they shouldn't do to the Apple cider. She peeked out and yelled out "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She said running and pushing the girls. Indigo and lemon was scared to talk because she was mad. It is not good when she is mad. Indigo looked at lemon and she speaked "well, we saw the bottle of cider out so we were putting them back in." "Ya" lemon said shaking her head up and down. 

         "Oh ya, then why do I see the cups right here!!!" She said pointing at the cups. "Well, you see, we were testing them out" indigo said holding a cup. "Ya" lemon zest said shaking her head up and down. Sour sweet  raised her left eyebrow and said "are you lying to me?". "Uh, me, no, right lemon" she said putting her wrist to hers. "Ya" she said shaking her head again.  "If one of my friends are injured, you are the one to blame, Indigo!..." Sour said very mad. Lemon was giggling that she didn't say her name "...and lemon!!" She continued and that's when Lemon got her attention.

She grabbed the crates and walked towards the door that was in the kitchen and slammed the door.

Sour sweet grinned as she walked back to pinkie pies house. She open the door and she putted the crates on the table and little by little people got some and more. Sour sweet was still embarrassed so she went in pinkie pies room and locked it.

Sour looked around the room to find Pinkie pie's computer and she found it in her white dresser. She opened it and her background was pinkie and her friends. The computer pop up a box to type her password in. She thinked and typed in 'gummy' and it worked. 'ok now it is time to see what pinkie pie talks on facebook.' she thought to herself and clicked on her Facebook page.

She mostly saw pictures of people selfing themselves but she saw an article and it was name 'brack news'. She knew it was important so she clicked on it.

It said...

Breaking news: The Dazzlings escaped jail and now we, the cops, are looking for them. One of them have puffy hair with orange hair with a yellow strip. Her name is Adagio Dazzle. The next girl had her hair in pig tails. The color of her hair was purple with a green strip. Her name is Aria Blaze. The last one had her hair in a pony tail. Her hair was light blue and a strip in the middle of her hair was dark blue. Her name is Sonata Dusk.

These girls has a pendant and sing to make them fight. If you find these girls, please call 88 crime. Please be careful.

Sour sweet closed Pinkie Pie's pink laptop because of how she was. She took a deep breath in, and let it all out. She looked outside the window and notice that the ambulance and police was there. "Oh no oh no oh no!!" She said leaving the pink laptop on the bed and went down stairs quickly. "What happen!?" She said talking to rainbow dash. She wouldn't respond. 

Sour looked outside the window and saw applejack crying to tears getting handcuffed and saw fluttershy and 55 other people in the ambulance. "What" sour said softly crying. Rainbow, rarity, pinkie, and sunset shimmer was group hugging crying.

The police walk in and took the Apple cider. He gave sunset shimmer a paper that says:

Apple cider now banned

"What they can't take something applejack loves." Sour said in confusion. "Well we can since your friend applejack is putting alcohol in these Apple cider. The other girl with pink hair dranked it and she got sick with 55 other kids like you guys. Kids cant have alcohol so are are gonna arrest your friend in jail. 

The ambulance and the police left and left pinkies house with tears. As one of the ambulance , sour sweet saw her shadowsbolts friends laughing and high fiveing her friends. Sour sweet was pissed.

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