Battle of the bands is... TODAY!!! Part 1

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The dazzlings and sour sweet got dress for the final. It was 8:30am and the battle started at 6:00pm. Sour sweet spinned and jumped on adagio's bed letting adagio watch her. 

"I am excited for the battle of the bands!" Shesaid holding her notebook and raising it in the sky.

The notebook magically opened a portal and pulled sour sweet inside of the book. 

She saw nothing but black inside. "Hello?" She replied and nobody replied. 

She walk until she saw rarity. 

"Rarity, it's so good to see you."

"Not" Rarity replied. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS!!!" She hissed.

"Did what?" It confused her.


"NO I DIDNT!" she said screaming.

"THEN WHAT IS THIS" she teleported her song.

"Join us" fluttershy said walking slow towards her.

"If you want to be a demon,then be a DEMON!" Sunset said holding her two arms while twilight sparkle unleashed her necklace that turned her evil like the way it turned her into midnight sparkle.

"Fight the darkness, I can do it, Fight the darkness, I can DO IT!!!!" She said getting white eyes and the whole place turns back and it started back in adagio's bed room. 

"Are you ok,?" Adagio said "you been staring at that book for hours." 

"" She said putting g the book down and closing her eyes. 

"Yes, it been a hour since you were daydreaming. It is 9:30am now. Chop chop, you don't want to be late, or the, or the, rainbooms will win." Adagio said sarcastic. 

"Where is sonata dusk and aria blaze." Sour said.

"Playing guitar."


(A hour and 30 minutes ago...)

"I'm bored." Aria said talking to herself.

"Me too" sonata said.

" I wasn't talking to you!" She said putting he guitar down. 

"Who does it look like"

Sonata looked around the room. " Well, it's just me so... You must be talking to me!" She said happily.

"Dummy" aria said as she walked out of the guitar room as she went to a TV.

"I will wait for you until you come back" said sonata.:-\:-\:-\:-\:-\ "I'm bored, I'm following you!" She ran out of her room and took her guitar with her. 

Sonata stopped and looked at aria playing guitar hero, she was an expert!

"Yes, yes, yes, ues, yes ,ya, ya, ya, ya, nonono, ahhhhhhhhhhh, I missed a key!" She said feeling upset. 

"I can beat that song with no keys left behind". Aria turned around and saw sonata smiling.

"Bet?"she said with her arm Reaching hers.

"Ya, I want a taco if I win"

"Whatever." Aria blaze shook her and and picked a song with her guitar hero guitar. Sonata got her real guitar. There was no was for her to win.

The game was starting and was playing guitar. Sonata had no fake buttons so she basically hitted her guitar to make a beat.

At the end of the game...

"I Won!" Aria said looking to her right with sonata saying the same words as her. 

"I Won" sonata said

"I Won!" Aria grinned.

"I Won!" Sonata said with her smile turned into a frown.

"I Won, and it is said and square!!!" Aria said getting a whole pie and throwing it at sonata.

"I want to play a different game with you." Sonata said putting her guitar down.

"Like what?!" She said with a big frown.

"I have no tittle for the game:-\. But anyway, you throw the food at me and I have to try to eat it."

"But if you don't, I punch you in the face."

"Deal". The two girls shooked each other's hand.


(In the kitchen)...

Aria is and will always be a cheater. She had a paper next to her to count how many times she punch sonata. Anyway, she hot the food and threw it her in a weak throw so she wouldn't eat it. Aria had a big stack of papers of lines to punch the blue headed girl. Aria love this game.

The two girls were playing it for a hour and sonata didn't have any food in her mouth. "Ohh, I am ready for the punch" aria said as she lifted her sleeve up to punch but her two friend came from the second floor.

"Are you ready" sour sweet and adagio said waiting for the last girls.

"Almost, I just need to punch sonata 749284820  times. One*punch* two *punch * Three *punch* Fo--..."

"Aria we get it, chill" adagio said pulling sonata away from her. 

"Hmfff," aria said turning her head away from adagio. 

"Ready girls". The girls went inside the car and was driving through Canterlot high, there was traffic. 

"CCCCCCOMMMEEEEEE OONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Adagio said as she had to wait for traffic. ' Why did mc.donalds had to sell free lunch?' aria said to herself.

'to Be continued........

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