Would Change Forever

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My father was there and he was talking to Uncle Maddox and two other guys that I never seen before

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My father was there and he was talking to Uncle Maddox and two other guys that I never seen before. I could see the anger in Maddox's eyes it was like I wasn't suppose to be there which I wasn't.

I walk in "Pa you're home, I didn't hear you come in."

My father glances over at Maddox before saying, "Why are you in my office Archduke?"

Maddox says, "We are discussing very important business here, aren't you suppose to be sleep?"

My father then points to the door

"If I was suppose to be sleep don't you think I would've been sleep?"

One of the men in the room says, "Get the fuck out you spoiled brat."

I was shocked my father didn't say a word so before I left I had to let them know I knew

"Oh Maddox one thing I left out the cops said to me everyone begins to stare is that my father was in the mafia. Maddox and my father begin to stare at each other I didn't believe it though, because my father is a manager at a construction company. That was until–" I get cut off

"So what are you trying to say?" my father begins to sit up in his chair

"I just find it funny that those cops that question me ended up getting shot a few minutes after we left."

Maddox says, "It's just a coincidence– those cops are known all around the city as dirty cops anyone could of taken them out. Maybe it was a bunch of stray bullets."

I balled up my fist and started to approach Maddox but my father yells

"Enough– can I please talk to my son alone." The two guys on the left leave first but Maddox walks to me and stops "If you need help with anything Boss let me know." then he leaves and shuts the door

My father gets up and sits in the front of his desk and says, "You know you're not suppose to come in my office without being welcomed in."

I sit down in the chair that directly faces him "Can you tell me where you've been the last few days? I haven't seen you in forever."

"I was in Rochester for business–

I cut him off "Business dad you're not working for Maddox are you because if you are Maddox is a bad guy he just had two police officers killed."

"Maddox was protecting you– something he didn't have to do."

"Protecting me– I don't need Maddox to protect me. Why would Maddox protect me?"

"Because you're my son."

"What's so special about that? The only thing I have in common with you is my last name."

"You're last name is the reason why we have this nice house. Your family has put blood sweat and tears to have the resources and connections we have today."

"Why are you telling me this? I can't speak to someone who hangs around someone that kills innocent people."

He takes in a deep breath "I don't work for Maddox– Maddox works for me."

"Is this some sick joke? You're kidding me right?" I begin to shake my head

"This is my empire and I want you to be apart of it."

"You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'd want to be apart of this– It's illegal and I can't believe you kill innocent people."

"We don't kill innocent people– We kill people that get in our way."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because you weren't ready and you're about to turn 17."

"Unbelievable and just to think as a kids I always said I wanted to be just like my father i shake my head but little did I know my father was a villain."

"I want you apart of this Arch."

"I'm going to take Frankie & Joey and i'm going to move in with Uncle Rome– They don't need to be around this or associated with any of this."

"Why do you think it's any different over there?"

"This is a family thing?" My father grabs his cigar and proceeds to light it "I can't take this." I get up and as i'm walking out

My father says, "Let me know if you want to reconsider by the end of the week."

I slam the door and as I got to the top of the stair I just stop, because little did I know after today my life would change forever.

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