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Archie's Room

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Archie's Room

Joseph's POV

Joseph walks in "Archie are you back yet?" He looks around and then pulls back Archie's sheets "Are you serious." He looks at the gun on top of Archie's bed "Mrs. Müller was right." He hears Archie coming up the stairs and hides in the closet

Archie walks in on the phone "Yeah i'm in my room now." He flips back the cover "What the fuck I don't see it." He looks under the bed "Yo Tito it's not here." Looks around in confusion "My closet why the fuck would it be in my closet?" He walks to his closet and opens it and sees Joey "Tito i'll call you back– I said I'll call you back." He just stares "Why are you in my closet?"

"Why do you have this?" Holds up his gun

"Put that down you're not holding it right, if you fire that and shoot me i'll."

"Why do you have it to begin with."

"It was a Christmas present from dad."

"Why did he choke Mrs. Müeller in the kitchen?"

"How am I suppose to know? I wasn't here."

"You've been spending a lot of time with him lately."

"By force, I would rather stay home with you guys."

"But what do you need to use this gun for?"

"Me and Tito are going hunting."

Joesph looks at the gun "This isn't a hunting gun."

"Joey just give me the gun okay, i'm doing you a favor here and you don't even know it."

"What favor? Why does no one tell me anything?"

Archie grabs the gun and pushes Joey into the closet "Next time– there won't be a next time." He leaves

Joey sits on the floor and kicks the shelf and a picture falls down and he picks it up "Mom– i'm sorry."


Tito honks the horn "Yo where is this mutha fucker?"

Archie walks outside "Can you stop fucking honking damn."

"What took your ass so long?"

"Joey found my fucking gun and he wouldn't stop asking questions."

"What did you tell him?"

"We were going hunting– stupid I know but that all I could come up with because I never expected to have that conversation."

"You have to start expecting the unexpected. That's what we're doing later on– i'm taking you to our lawyers."

"Why would you take me there? Wouldn't they snitch?"

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