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to live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.

- Oscar Wilde


"I mean; I didn't ever think those things could be deadly." Her accent was London and woven with heavy tears of shock. Almost dying had that affect on humans and aliens alike- Farren thought –it was a universal reaction basically, tears came to all apart from the odd species that lacked tear ducts or equivalents of.

Farren frowned, feeling every tiny particle of the new form with excruciating detail- it was like a really bad itch when she felt every cell rewrite itself to form the low dipped brows and downturned lips- morphing always was an uncomfortable process when it was new bodies and faces, awkward and scratchy.

The woman in front of her, with dry tear tracks cracking her makeup's perfection, had referred to the Daleks with prior knowledge but it didn't make sense how she would know them- she hadn't happened upon a parallel world where Dalek's overruled Earth- no. So how?

"You've seen them before?" Farren asked- though more like demanded, enjoying the authority in the tone of voice she'd stolen; she felt like she could do a lot and get away with most of it.

The woman, pulled a face. The shock seemed to melt away and confusion instead overtook whilst a tremulous hand came up to tug her hair away from her face. "Well- yeah . . . I already said that, don't you remember?"

"Oh, ah yes. Yeah 'course, just got a bit of a foggy memory. PC Goldfish, that's me." Farren bared unfamiliar teeth in a sheepish smile, chuckling awkwardly "Sorry, just for the report, where'd you see them? Before today I mean."

The woman was quick to dig around in the pockets of her sundress- an odd garment to don on a cold day but Farren paid it no mind. Six crumpled tickets were offered and Farren took them, unfolding them carefully so as to not tear them.

"I took my um- son and his friends to the Extra-terrestrial Zoo a few days ago. The um- Megatrons are part of the 'Cyber-Future Exhibit'."

Farren struggled to keep up, by that point she was just rendered completely perplexed- she eyed the woman wearily wondering honestly- if everything was just a massive set up. "Megatron is a transformer isn't it?" She didn't even know if she could laugh at the absurdity because it wasn't just that at that point- it was insane.

"Yeah, funny innit?" The woman seemed to have lost all forms of hysterics, the remnants only obvious by the dried tears on her cheeks as she then wore the smallest smile "Their unnamed apparently so everyone just calls them Megatrons,"

"S'not that funny. Bit stupid actually." Farren mumbled to the ground, then looked up and clasping her journal shut- she hadn't really written anything and she wouldn't until the day was done but it clearly proved useful to pretend. "Anyway, thanks ever so much for your time, I'll get out of your hair." She spun to leave though stopped as she remembered one more thing "This . . . zoo, where is it?"


With the Doctor's coat, sweeping up the gravelly floor behind her, she padded through the entrance of the zoo. Nerves to her gait as she braced herself for the worst of sights.

Handily, she had a map thrown at her that illustrated the entire place in quick lines. It was a winding maze- complicated and packed, exhibit after exhibit.

Steam greedily smothered the air as it wafted high from glass-looking cages- fish bowls almost and the first one to Farren's left shook as the creature inside wildly slammed itself against it. The creature trapped inside- held a human looking form all around, dressed in a long white dress and similarly coloured material wrapped around its head and feline face.

Golden Wanderer (DOCTOR WHO FAN-FIC)Where stories live. Discover now