The Masked Child

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A child with no name
Walk these hallways without any fame.
The source of their laughter and always on the run.
Running from the pain.

A normal child, hiding behind a mask
A face bruised and broken but still human.
Forced into hiding by fellow peers.
Hidden by the feeling of fear.

A voice muffled by a mask, a voice silenced by others.
His views hidden from the world.
His views spit on by others.

Pushed and shoved his whole life,
All the things he has sacrificed to try to be accepted.
Now all that remains is lost hope.
He is accustomed to this feeling.

But everyone has a breaking point.
The child now stands on the edge.
His voice will be heard, one way or another.
Either by violence, a shout, or a noose.
Even with a whisper, he will be heard, his mask will be pulled off.
And his true self will be revealed.

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