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Dear Mom,
I guess that's what you used to be,
But recently you seem to be nothing to me.
I don't know you and you don't know me,
A stranger in life and in  the lense of society.

Maybe that's how it's supposed to be.
A barren relationship between a mother and part of her family.
But what can you expect of a mother who neglected her children.
What can you expect of a mother who abused her children.
Of a mother who used her family so she didn't have to change herself.

But the truth became apparent when your children were taken away.
Your children separated  with your youngest son up north.
A son whisked away while the others stayed.
I'm not angry, and yes I understand,
and honestly it's fine.
It's hard to miss what you have never had or known.
Putting your son up north was for the best.
Another adoption success.

A Beginning's EndWhere stories live. Discover now