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Based off of "Refection" by Silver_Unicorn_99

The voices echo inside my head, their words burned into my skin.

Everywhere I go I am reminded of what they say,

Ugly, fat, a mess, depressed.

They corner me, force me to undress.

In the corner, shivering, crying, hiding.

The words haunt me, even worse when I see myself.

My reflection what a sight to see, makes my eyes watery.

All I see is what they see, all I am is what they say.

I try to say that I am more, but my lies cannot pierce the core.

In my mind, a constant struggle.

Of who I am, of who I am meant to be.

A battlefield, making my mind a puddle.

Why does this need to be, why must people belittle me.

I sit, crying looking at the sight in front of me.

Being judged for what others see.

I can say it doesn't bother me, just let it be.

But I cant let people treat me  this way.

My image does not define me, my image does not tell who I am supposed to be.

It is just a mirror, a reflection, a reflection of me.

I determine who I am, what I want to be.

It is time to shatter the mirror,

It is a time for a new me.

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