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"Did you have fun?" he whispers to me in my ear.

"What are you talking bout?"

"I heard you guys, but the others didn't."

"Yes, we had fun. Very kinky." I say. He laughs. All of the guys look at us.

"What's so funny?" Zach asks.

"Inside joke. You wouldn't get it." I said.

"Yep, definitely ." Corbyn says trying to hide the smile. I slap him. Then I check the time. 11:30.

"Don't you guys have a bedtime?"

"Yees. It is 11." Corbyn says

"Well, it's 11:30."

"Shit. Guys we gotta go to bed." Corbyn says.

"Goodnight guys."

"Aren't you going to bed?"

"Not yet. "

"Why not?" Zach asks.

"I have uh uh important stuff to do."

"Fine." They walk away. I wait about 30 minutes. They all should be asleep. I walk outside and practice. Practice what you may ask? Well, I'm a witch. I just found out. I start with a simple one.

"I have been too nice, so turn this pool into ice." I zap the pool. It turned into ice.

"It's getting hotter so turn this to water." I zapped it again. It didn't turn back.


"The air is getting hotter, so put the pool back to water." I zap it. Turned back. Great. Time to try with stuff inside.

"I don't want to be thoughtless, so make this room spotless." I zap the kitchen.

"Holy shit!" I hear someone say. I turn around and see all of the guys.

"take back this moment, reverse it return it" I zapped the boy.

"Bed time now." I said.

"Your a witch!" Zach says.

"Damn it the spell didn't work."

"The spell, you were trying to spell us." Jack says confused.

"I swear to god if you tell a single soul I will make you disappear."

"Cross my heart." Everyone said.

"Hold up," I think of a spell, "Take back this moment return it!" I zapped them.

"Whoa what happened?" They all are confused.

"Bedtime now. "

"Fine." They all head back upstairs. Except Daniel.

"Royals, I know your secret." Then he runs upstairs.

"DANIEL!" I chase after him. He runs into his room and locks the door.

"Get me in this room fast and quick, or I'll send a flock of ducks" I zapped myself into his room. "Hi, Daniel."

"Damnit. Please do not hurt me."

"I'm a good with until you tell."

"Okay, I won't tell."

"Forget everything that just happened or you will end up a fairy captain." I zapped him.

"Yo, why are you in my room?"

"Sorry." I left. I went to our room.

"So, witch. You decided to come to bed." I hear Zach say..

Troubled//Why Don't WeWhere stories live. Discover now