Just Trust Me (A Winter Soldier/OC FanFic)

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Sienna is now twenty five and has experienced everything in the books. Including the HYDRA take over of SHIELD. She was expecting to be done with her field work and only stick to strict missions. But Fury insists that Sienna takes care of a man from the past.

James Barnes decided he didn't want to be the Winter Soldier anymore. He also decided he couldn't be himself anymore. He had killed countless amounts of people and it was time for him to stop. After the triskeleton helicarrier incident Barnes finds Fury and asks if he could be put on ice. Fury agrees to the soldier request. Six years pass and Steve Rogers finds out an forces Fury to release James and let him live his life. So when James is released he needs a guide. A guide who knows what he's been through.

(Author note

Sup guys. So I saw CATWS and thought 'omg Sienna went thoroughly something like that also. So this ship and book has been made.

Enjoy guys ,


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