Chapter 3

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Sienna's POV

I woke up and looked at my clock. 12:37 pm. I got up and started to get around. I had finished getting dressed and around when I went downstairs. I ran past the dining room and saw Bucky sitting at the end. He was awake and had a glare that could kill. I walked back towards the dining room.

"What's wrong Soldier?" I asked.

"You've known who I was the whole time." He said. I walked in slowly. How did he know that?

"What do you mean?" I asked. He slid a file over to me. Oh god, I left it out.

"Oh." I said.

"Why didn't you show me?" Bucky growled.

"This was classified information. As a soldier you should respect that." I said avoiding the question.

"You left it out. Now answer me." Bucky sassed. My hand sparked as I walked towards him. Bucky's eyes widened as he saw it.

"I didn't show you because I had no idea how to explain it. Should've I had told you everything when we first met? Should've I had said 'oh hello James Buchanan Barnes, you killed people unknowingly and almost killed your best friend when your usually a nice guy.'. Would that have helped?" I yelled. Fluid lightning bolts were leaving my hands and lightly hitting the hardwood floor.

"Something would've help. Just something." Bucky said. His tone was showing a little fear.

"I did help." I shouted. I couldn't stand this. I was not getting paid enough to do this. I stormed out of the room and to my front porch. I couldn't leave this is my house. If anyone should leave its him. The monster who helped destroy my father. I stood on the porch and watched as kids rode bikes past. And young couples held hands and smiled brightly at each other. Signs of bliss. I eyed everyone in envy.

"You know. I've seen that look before. It's one of you're I hate the world looks." A familiar voice said. I looked over near my driveway and saw a redhead.

"Yeah well nows not a moment I want to talk. Especially not to you James." I said. Ah the famous James Rogers. Son of Black Widow and Captain America.

"Oh come on Enna." James said inviting himself onto my porch. "Don't be such a Batman." He teased.

"Now I see why he shuts everyone out." I mumbled.

"Ok what's wrong?" He asked. James turned me to face him. His baby blue eyes were unusual for someone with red hair and his background heritage.

"Nothing." I said.

"Really? I heard my namesake is here." James said.

"How did you know about that?" I asked.

"My dad. And a certain man without an eyepatch. It's nice to know he's not dead. After like what, years?" James said rambling off.

"He never died." I said glumly.

"Yeah I could see that as he came to my house." James said. His eyes were watching the people passed by also.

"How many of our friends have died?" I asked.

"Enna. We should-" James began to say.

"I say countless. Because of one person." I said. "He was the starting domino."

"Look Enna, the man was like you. You know what it was like don't you?" James asked.

"Yeah but-" I started to say.

"Then what he needs right now is someone who's a friend. That's what I tried and look at us now." James said. I sighed and looked at him.

"James." I said somewhat whining.

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