Chapter 7

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Bucky's POV

A room full of people who hate you is scary. This is coming from someone who had been brainwashed and has killed. Glaring eyes all stared at me with fire in them. I had gotten names before we had arrived. Sienna was the only one missing now. I think her brother, Connor, is kinda ok with me. But I wasn't positive about that.

"I hate this." James said. His glare was the worst. He looked like Steve when he did that. It made me feel terrible.

"Well deal with it. We're all giving things up for this." Monique said. She didn't glare that hard. I did shoot her dad but I didn't kill him. He kinda disappeared.

"Ok this looks bad." Sienna said entering the room. Well actually a blonde tall woman walked in but the line was hers.

"You look fine." James said quickly.

"It's a perfect disguise." Connor said.

"How much time did you spend with Mystique?" Monique asked.

"Um a couple years, I guess. I mean she did work as a hero for a bit." Sienna shrugged.

"Good so this will work." Monique sighed.

"Wait how does that help?" I asked. All heads turned to me and then to Sienna.

"You didn't tell him?" Garrett asked.

"No. It's my power I'll tell him when I want to." Sienna sassed.

"You should tell him now." Ryan said. That child was a piece of work. He was everything of Sienna and everything of Connor combined into a kid.

"I'm fine. She can tell me when she wants to." I said. The stares all returned back to me.

"You talk?" James said with sarcasm.

"Yeah, who doesn't." I sassed back.

"And he can sass also." Garrett said to James. His tone sounded like a mother correcting a child.

"Shut up Garrett." James said. He got up and stormed out of the room.

"Well Sienna I believe The Soldier will be something to you. Seeing as James did that when he met Tony and you guys went out until know." Connor said.

"Thank you brother dearest. Now can we get ready?" Sienna asked. Her blonde hair was now short. I had no idea when that happened but it did. Her features were striking and I realized that she looked younger.

"I thought you were going to break in as yourself?" I asked.

"It's not safe. Who knows what they'll do to me if I go as myself." Sienna said.

"They could brainwash you again." Connor suggested.

"Lets not get on this topic please." Sienna pleaded. Connor leaned back on his chair and listened to the plan. It was during this moment when I realized something about Sienna. She was a natural-born leader. She said the plan like she made it two years ago and had been practicing it everyday since. Her words were backed up with confidence and a strong tone. The fear that I knew she had wasn't even showing. It made me appreciate her even more. After the plan was said we split into groups. Monique and Ryan stayed at the base. They would be listing to our coms and watching the surveillance cameras. Sienna, James, and I were the ones to infiltrate and attack and Garrett and Connor were back up. It made me worry to go back. But somehow I wanted to go back. I wanted to get payback for what they had made me do. Sienna took an unexpected turn that we all didnt know she planned. Me and James followed her to a hallway with cells with glass doors. As we got there she changed back into her real look. She looked angrier when I could see her real face. We were in a small prison that seemed mostly empty. We stopped at a cell were a man with graying black hair sat. He sat on the floor with his head down, like he was ashamed.

"Look at me Ward." Sienna demanded. The man looked at her and he looked about fourty.Cuts and scars could be seen on his face.

"Sienna-" He started to say.

"Shut up traitor. I need tyou to get something in your robot brain. Are you ready to listen?" Sienna aske like she was talking to a child. But something was pushing behind it. A tone of sadness. Icould tell he had done something to her. It was the tone she usedwith me sometimes.

"Yes.'' The man said.

"We're breaking into HYDRA. And you're helping." Sienna demanded.

"You're dong what? Sienna that's suicide. And for you that's asking for another trip through brainwashing." He said.

"I have a weapon." She said with a smirk.

"And what's that?" He asked. "It's not Rogers or that other agent is it?"

"Actually this other agent is doing good restaning himself from killing you for what your friends did to him." Sienna said. That' when I realized she was talking about me. And that I zone out a lot. I walked closer a Sienna motioned for me to. The man looked at me and then at Sienna.

"How'd you do it?" He asked Sienna.

"Left a file out and went inside his head." Sienna said like it was no big deal. She went inside my head, what the hell did that mean.

"This doesn't mean your off the hook. We just need you to help and then you're back to this humble cell." James growled.

"You still don't have any people skills do you?" The man asked James. James ignored him with a steady glare. Sienna rubbed a card against a small black scanner and a light turned green. The glass door in the front of the cell slid open. The man stood up and looked excited to leave.

"Don't get any ideas of running or leaving because god help me I will kill you." Sienna growled.

"I understand." He said. We started walking back towards the briefing room. I stopped Sienna and James and the man continued walking.

"Who is he? And what did he do to you?" I asked. Sienna looked at me like she didn't want to tell me.

"His name is Grant Ward. He used to be an agent but he turned out to be HYDRA. Well I guess he was HYDRA all along." She said.

"So you're mad at him because he turned on you?" I asked.

"No. He was my friend and he helped me train to be an agent. He was friends with my dad and he helped kill him." Sienna explained.

"I killed your dad." I stated.

"You were brainwashed and part of HYDRA therefore HYDRA killed him." Sienna said.

"What changed your mind?" I asked. She walked closer and grabbed the collar of the SHIELD jacket I was wearing. "Sienna?" I asked. She kissed me with a passion. I kissed back and pulled away slightly.

"Maybe it was when I decided to do that for the first time." She said with shrug.

"Sienna now is not the time for that." James said looking back. She looked at the floor and a blush covered her face.

The rest of the walk was quiet. Especial since Sienna seemed to be a mute for the moment. We headed to a garage were we packed supplies and loaded them into a truck. Sienna spent the time spray painting the SHIELD symbol. Before we knew it, it was time to go.

"Is everyone ready to flirt with death?" James asked. Everyone stayed quiet. "Knew it. Lets keep the excitement up guys." He joked.

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