Preparing for War,

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I creep into the bosses room to see him facing the window from behind his desk. He turns to face me with a unpredictable glare.

"Back already dear?" He questions with a sly smirk.

"Yes sir, it's all done." I reply with a sense of respect, while staring into his dark hungry eyes.

"Good work darling!" He praises as he moves from his desk towards me.

God I hate when he calls me that, it takes everything in my body, not to kill him where he stands.

"You know you are one of my favorite soldiers." He whispers in my ear with a devilish smile as he circles around me.

I nod my head lightly, as my glance is now towards the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with the man, I call boss.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you!" His deep voice booms loudly in front of my face.

I move my glance up to his, as I bite the inside of my cheek in anger.

"Ahh yes, see now I can see those baby blue eyes." He purrs in my ear with a evil smile.

I take a deep breath as my stare burns directly into his eyes without saying a word.

"Oh come on, sweetheart that's no way to treat your father." He pouts mimicking a sad expression.

"You're just my boss, that's it, we've already went over this!" I spit though gritted teeth.

"What did you say hunny, I didn't quite hear you?" He asks sending me death glare like no other.

"I said, I don't want to deal with your shit anymore!" I yell sarcastically at him.

"Oh really, that's quite amusing actually, considering that I'm your father and this is the family business. This is what we do, and you should be grateful that I even trained you!" He yells, his words hurtful, yet I still stand strong and stare into his now pitch black eyes, with no emotion in my own whatsoever.

"Everyone said that you wouldn't be a good soldier, because you were part human, but now look at you, you're one of my best! I was the only one who believed in you, the only one, now don't let that go down the drain! You understand?" He questions looking to me with a hard expression.

I nod giving him his satisfaction.

"See now that's my girl." He gloats while patting me on the back with a smirk.

I tense under his cruel touch before he eventually removes his hand from my back.

"Anyway here's your next case. Take all the time you need, this ones a tough one." He passes me a folder before dismissing me from his office.

I walk out of his office and open the file to reveal my next walk in the park.

Sam Winchester.

Hmm why does that name seem so familiar?

I question myself as my eyes scan over the file.

Ahh, yes the hunter, I remember him and his charming brother Dean. From that old bar, down in Kansas. Good times they were. I flip the page to see his address.

"Ahh, yes see you still live at that nice old bunker, Sammy." I mumble to myself with a slight smile.

Closing the file, I walk out to my car, driving home to prepare for my next hunt.


Hello everybody, glad to see you that you found my new book! What do you think so far? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

♣️Take The Shot♣️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ