I'm coming,

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"Not this shit again Maggie. Seriously you've got to talk to us so we can help you." Sam says, clearly frustrated with me.

"I never asked for your help! I never asked for any of this Sam! You think I wanted this life? You know what I wanted? I wanted to be famous for my singing! That's all I wanted, not love, nor children, not even a family. All I wanted was to be known for what I do best, and in a twisted way I guess I got what I wanted." I go off, spewing my guts out to the brothers I used to know.

"Maggie we can help you all you have to do is tell us what's going on." Sam says in a comforting tone.

"I can't." I groan my eyes falling to the floor in defeat.

"You can Maggie just tell us!" Sam pleads with care in his voice.

"You really don't get it do you? Sam I can't tell you because if I do we will all die." I say my eyes moving up to his challengingly with a smirk plastered on my face.

"No one will know, so how will we die?" Sam questions in confusion.

"He will know Sam." Is all I respond with.

"He? He as in who, your father, your boss?" Dean questions looking down on me with confusion as well.

"Yes." I say looking up to him with a sarcastic smirk.

"Your father is your boss, and he forces you to commit these awful tasks?" Sam exclaims in more of a question as he pieces the clues together.

I nod, feeling my stomach drop when I see Sam's eyes glazed over with hurt.

"I'm so sorry Maggie!" He apologizes as he embraces me in a loving hug.

"It's okay Sam. I'm fine, really, but can you please untie me?" I hum a small smile placed on my lips.

"Yeah." He says as his large hands move to my restraints.

Before he could even begin to untie me Dean interrupts.

"Sam I don't think that's such a good idea."

"What do you mean Dean? You heard her, she's been forced into this life by her father, none of this is her fault." Sam says standing up for me.

"Yeah that may be true, but Sam she's good at what she does and whose to say that she isn't playing you like a damn fiddle. Her mind isn't where it used to be, you heard her say herself, she's an assassin. She may be forced into it at first, but I can tell she enjoys the reputation she gets from it. And you Sammy are just another on her hit list." Dean explains looking to his brother with sad eyes.

"I mean, tell me am I wrong?" Dean questions looking to me with saddened eyes.

I sigh my head falling to the floor once again, only this time in guilt.

"How did you know?" Sam questions in astonishment.

"I was almost the same exact way when I was in hell." Dean admits to not only his brother, but himself.

"Kill me." I interrupt the odd silence.

"What?" Dean questions his eyes wide in shock as if he hadn't heard me right.

"You need to kill me and run or you need to just run. Because sooner or later my Boss will be coming after me and when he does it won't be pretty for anyone involved. He knows that you guys live here it was even on the file he gave me."

"What file?" Sam questions with a confused expression.

"Your file, it's over there in my bag." I say nudging my head towards my bag.

Sam retrieves the file from my belongings, opening it up to read the contents the lies inside.

"What is there that you don't know about him?" Dean asks with a uncomfortable laugh of shock as he reads over the file himself.

"What he's like in bed for one." I joke with a playful wink.

"Do you get a file for everyone you kill?" Sam questions ignoring my last joke.

"Yeah, even ones we don't." I say a smirk appearing on my face.

"What? Wait does that mean you like have one of me?" Dean questions with a look of fear.

"Oh yes of course. I've seen yours many times Dean, they always have to update things with yours. Considering that you were once one of us not to long ago." I retort taking a stab at his still sore wound.

"So what every time something changes in someone's life you update their files with the new information?" Dean questions giving me his usual offended bitch face.

"Oh no, not me. I'm strictly an assassin. I deal with no paperwork, my preference actually." I gloat still smirking.

"Yeah, because you know if you had to watch and document the people living their lives, you wouldn't have the guts to kill them." Dean says taking a jab back at me.

"Shut up." I spit turning towards Dean my voice dark.

"You know it's the truth Auburn. And there's no need to be ashamed of that."

"I already told you, it's Maggie!"

All of a sudden the heat of the moment instantly subsides when a phone dings.

The brothers look to each other before pulling out their phones seeing that it's neither of their own. They then grab mine.

"What's it say?" I question.

"I'm coming for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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