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"You're lying." Dean claims with a certain darkness in his eyes as he stares me down.

"What me, no never!" I say nonchalantly with a sly smirk.

"Sam give me the phone." Dean demands not taking his eyes off of me.

Sam hands the phone over to Dean with a look of confusion.

"Now you are gonna answer our questions or we are just gonna call your "boss" back and have a nice chat. So what's it gonna be?" Dean threatens with a small smirk.

"Trust me you don't want to do that." I state with a smartass smile.

"Oh really and why not?"

"I mean do it if you must. But if you do you should know means death for all of us."

"All of us?" Sam questions looking to me wondering if he's heard me right.

"Yes all of us, including me Sam."

"Why you too?"

"Because you ignorant fools, what I just did on that call is enough to get me fired, hunted, tortured and killed, and I was doing it to protect your dumb asses." I explain with a frustrated sigh.

"Your boss, he's the one who sent you to kill us?" Dean questions looking to me inquisitively.

"Look, Dean I know you don't believe me, for good reason, but I mean it when I say this. We will all be dead if I don't kill Sam."

"I'm right here you know!? What's so bad about me anyways? Why do you want to kill me?" Sam bombards me with his questions.

"You think I want to kill you? Sam I left you alive when I could have took you out more than once. If I wanted to kill you, you would've been dead. Where I come from I am the best of the best." I question moving my glance to Sam's sad and confused eyes.

"Well why didn't you?"

"I didn't take my first opportunity because I like you Sam. You're not a bad person." I admit with a sad smile which then confuses Sam.

"Sam, Maggie isn't really Maggie." Dean states looking to his brother with sadness filled eyes.


"Maggie is really Auburn." Dean answers with a sigh.

"No it can't be. You aren't Auburn. She would never be in this life."

"You're right because Auburn died a long time ago."

"Auburn what happened to you?"

"It's Maggie."

"You used to be so caring."

"Well sorry to tell you, but people change Sam."

"Tell me what happened Auburn, we can help you get out of whatever your in. You don't have to do this."

"Yes I do! You don't understand Sam, I'm so far in I will never be able to get out! This is my life this is what I got left with!" I yell my eyes going pitch black as I feel my anger boil over.

"What the hell you're possessed?!" Dean exclaims in shock.

"No I'm not possessed, Dean this is me! This is who I really am!"

"No, Auburn wasn't possessed I knew her." Sam says more to himself than me.

"Yeah I thought I did too, but you know when you get kidnapped by your long lost supernatural father, you kind of find things out about yourself that you never knew before."

"Your father is a demon?"

"Bingo!" I say smirking my eyes still pitch black.

"Okay can you please fix those." Dean asks clearly uncomfortable.

"What? Oh these beauties?" I question referring to my tar filled eyes.

"Sure if that's what you wanna call them." He insults with a awkward chuckle.

I switch my eyes back to normal and smile.


"A lot."

"Your dad..he has some sort of power over you?" Sam questions looking down to me.

"He controls everyone, he runs the family business."

"What is this family business?"

"It's what I do."

"And that is what exactly? Cause all I've seen is you try to kill my brother."


"Your a hit woman." Dean jokes looking to Sam whose in no joking manner.

"I'd say I'm more of an assassin then a hit man." I say as I straighten myself up in the chair I'm still tied to.

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't get payed to do what I do, everything is based on reputation, respect, and pride."

"Reputation as in?" Dean questions in a more serious manner.

"How many kills, how hard the kill, how long the kill took." I say with a sick twisted smirk as I recall the many kills I've been so well respected over.

"You're good at what you do?" Dean questions with a weird look of curiosity in his eyes.

"You know Dean, curiosity killed the cat. But to answer your question, yes I am one of the best as my boss tells. I have the most kills and I've only been at it for a year." I joke before gloating a bit.

"How many?" Sam questions.

"The last time I checked the board it said 200. But honestly it's probably over that by now."

"Who do you kill?" Sam asks looking to me.

"Whoever I'm given."

"You're given people to kill, by who, your boss?" Dean scoffs.


"Did he know that you knew us?" Sam questions.


"And you didn't tell him when you got my name?"


"Why not?"

"Because I've been killing for so long that it doesn't effect me no matter whose next, I'm always ready for them. If I would have told him he would have doubted me and gave it to someone else, and I could never let that happen. I have a reputation to uphold. And people are quick to try and snatch it away from you. You really have to fight to be the best at what I do."

"You do realize you've been killing innocent people?"

"Oh Dean, nobody's truly innocent, everyone has done something."

"Is that what you tell yourself?" Sam questions in disgust.

"I don't know is it?" I shoot his question back realizing that I have said to much.

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