Chapter One

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Zane's POV

I franticlly look around, only to be greeted by darkness. Where am I?

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I call out to nothing and I get nothing in return. I start walking, blindly stumbling through the darkness. I suddely spot the bright blonde hair of my brother and dad. I rush over, relieved.

"Garroth! Dad! Thank Ire-" I stop in my tracks, staring at the two. They look at me, their faces blurry.

"Good job Garroth. Zane, why cant you be more like Garroth? He's done everything we asked of him." Dad's voice echos and I step back.

"You know what Dad? I don't think he's able to! He's too busy feeling sorry for himself." I step back again, bumping into someone. I turn around and see the blurred face of my mother. She shakes her head slowly.

"I'm disappointed in you Zane. Why can't you just be normal like your brothers?" Her voice is sharp and makes me wince. A few more people show up, ranging from Gene and his gang, to Aphmau.

"You're nothing to us."

"Zane, you have no reason to be mad."


"I never trusted you." The voices all swirl in the air, until they all stop and Nana appears, her face clear. She looks me dead in the eye and scoffs.

"You're so pathetic. I just felt sorry for you." I can feel the tears running down my face as the voices pick up again. I get sucked into the darkness, only to wake up with a start, my breathing quick and my head buzzing.

I struggle out of bed, dropping to my knees as I struggle to breath normally. It feels like a pillow has been put over my face and my brain has turned into mush. I'm shaking so badly, I can barely stand up. I havent had a panic attack in years... When trying to calm myself doesnt work, I grab my phone, unable to unlock it with all my shaking. I fall to the floor completely, curling up in a ball and sobbing as my breathing doesnt go back to normal.

"Garroth... Laurance... Someone.. help," I sob out, clutching onto myself. Between sobs and rapid gasps, I groan in pain when I realize I've been digging my nails into my arms. The pain grounds me somewhat so I do the first thing that comes to mind. I rake my nails as hard as I can up and down my arms and body. I stratch like its all I can do and dont stop until my breathing is heavy from pain and nothing else. I move my hand to wipe my tears, only to freeze when I see the blood on my fingers.

I scramble to my feet and rush into the bathroom, one thing repeating itself in my head.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

I'm Sorry [A Zane~Chan/Zana fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now