Kissed once again

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Chapter 13-

Taylor's POV

I feel bad for Ri.. I haven't talked to her/seen her for a month now. The guys wanna go surprise her but I'm probably the last person she wants to see right now

Ri's POV

I HATE TAYLOR! WITH EVERY LIVING FIBER OF MY EXISTENCE I HATE HIM! HOW COULD HE DATE THAT HORRIBLE PERSON AFTER ALL SHE HAS PUT ME THROUGH.?! I CANT BELIEVE HIM! All this time I've been thinking about going back to see him, to hold him tight, kiss him, make things ok, but no he has to go off and date that stupid bitc *gco by knock at door*

(Ri answers door)

Awwh guys ! I haven't seen you in forever ! Come here give me hugs ! <3 I invited them in one by one and at the end of the line.. guess who decided to show up.? The one and only TAYLOR CANIFF! You huh. Think you can come to my house and things would be ok? Really. That insensitive..? Wow Taylor.

Taylor- I won't stay if you don't want me here...

Ri- Give me a reason that I shouldn't be so overly irritated at you!

Taylor- Listen Ri I'm sor *gco*

Ri- I'm done with your sorry shit.. Save it for Ashely cause I'm done hearing it. It cause more pain every time you say it so please.

Taylor- Let me come in at least this one time Ri please?

Ri- This is it.. oh and this doesn't mean we are cool.. you're leaving today and that's it.

Ri's POV

We decide to just chill and watch movies, I sat by jack and Matt and jack put his arm around me which didn't bother me because we were like that. Out of the corner of my eye I saw taylor eyeing us. Once it got really late the boys decided to head out. Since my mom loved all the boys cause they cared so much about me, she didn't care that they stayed over because I'm not like that kind of girl.. you know?

I asked Jack if he wanted to stay and he said of course, he was gonna leave and come back to get his stuff, but before he left he have me a kiss on the cheek and as soon as he did I saw Taylor get really mad. When they were leaving Taylor asked to stay behind a little so we could talk 😒

Taylor- *trying to grab Ri's hand* let me explain please Ri

Ri- *pulling away* Oh I'd love to hear about your love story.!

Taylor- Ri stop

Ri- Stop what? Caring? Hurting? Crying? Cutting? Cause news flash honey I ca *gco*

Taylor's POV

I had to kiss Ri I couldn't help my self it just happened.. I felt her kiss back so I raised up her sleeves and kissed her scars on her shoulders, her arms, and her legs. She started crying but I needed her to know that I still cared about her, even if I was dating Ashely. I needed her to know. I kisses her one last time. After the kiss was over we both stared at each other with tears in our eyes. That's the moment when I figured out why it never worked out with anyone else.

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now