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Chapter 21-

Jack- Taylor you don't deserve Marie..

Ri- Correction it's Ri -looks at jack-

Taylor he's kinda right after everything that's happened maybe it's right we take a break..

Taylor- B-b-but Ansley i freakin love you ... *gets teary eyed*

Ri- Taylor I think you need to go..

*taylor leaves slowly*

*jack goes over and hugs ri*

Jack- I missed you so much gorgeous .. -kisses softly-

Ri- Same here baby.... Same here...

*thinks about Taylor*

Ri's POV

I let Jack stay over because we needed to work on our relationship .. After me and Jack got some Starbucks I decided to tweet that "macks" was back (: I loved that but taylor..

Stop thinking about him.

After Jack drove me home and dropped me off I went up and changed into my Aztec crop top, black shorts, changed my belly ring 😍, and but on my black vans.. I decided to grab my skateboard and go to the skatepark I haven't been skating since the first day I got here. I decided to practice some of my tricks get stuff off my mind. After about an hour I started getting hungry so I decided to grab my phone and head to subway.

??- Ri listen..


??- Sorry .. Hey can we grab lunch we need to talk.

Ri- Fine taylor I was gonna go grab subway is that ok?

Taylor- Perfect

Jacks POV

I was going to surprise my baby girl tonight. I bought her the dress she loved from "Cinderella" it was red and short with sequence on the top. I bought her some black heels to go with it. She was gonna love this.

Ri's POV

After me and Tay talked for an hour.. I decided that my choice was right and we needed a break. When I pulled in the driveway I saw Jack was already there. Ahh my baby!

I ran in and he picked me up bridal style and kissed me. Oh did I miss his kisses.

Jack- Hey baby I bought you something and laid it out on your bed. Change into it and I'll be bak around 8. He kissed me and left. I went upstairs and saw the most beautiful dress, and gorgeous heels and a note from Jack:


Hey gorgeous! You'll look beautiful in this dress I know it <3 I see you at 8 beautiful(:

I blushed and took a quick shower, did my make up, and curled my hair. I put on my dress that fit perfectly and my heels and took a few pictures and put them on twitter. That's when Tay texted.

Taylor's text:

Hey Ri just wanted to tell you you looked beautiful in that dress! Like always.. Love you forever.. ~Tay <3

It's ok I loved him..

Jack got to my house at 8 on the dot and he stared driving to the pier. He parked the car.. Helped me out and walked me to a single table on the beach. It was a candle lot dinner on the beach ! <33 he did this all for me!

Jack- How do you like it beautiful?

*kisses ri*

Ri- You did this for me?! Jack you didn't have to..

Jack- But I love you..

He pulled out the seat for me to sit.

He clapped his hands and out came a nicely dressed man. He put a metal plate in front of me, took the lid off, and there was a box

Jack- Open it beautiful

I smiled and opened it and it was a ring with mine and jacks anniversary on it. It had to be jack!

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now