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Chapter 16-

Ri's POV

I sat there, next to the love of my life, lifeless, pale, the almost dead love of my life Taylor Micheal Caniff..

Taylor's POV

I dont know what's going on... I'm just in a lot of pain, I hear sirens, screaming and crying. What the hell just happened..?

Jacks POV

I ran over to Ri who was getting in the ambulance with Taylor, it's like she wasn't Ri anymore.. It's like this incident flipped a switch in her. She was just gone..

Ri's POV

*in the ambulance*

Ri- Taylor baby it's ok keep breathing we are almost to the hospital I'm right here baby *grabs his hand*

He was just so limp oh my god he was barely breathing I needed him he couldn't die! ITS ALL JACKS FAULT!! I HATE HIM SO MUCH! TAYLOR TRIED RUNNING AFTER HIM FOR ME! I HATE JACK !

45 minutes later...

Cameron- *pulls Ri into a hug*

Ri baby girl it's just a coma, he'll come out of it I promise he'll be ok... *runs fingers through her hair*

Ri- *cries hard* I-I-I-I need him cam!

Matt- *rubs her back* Ri ... Shh he will be okay. You're okay we are all here.

Cameron- Guys text me I'm gonna take Ri to my house tonight I don't want her alone...

Guys- Ight see you cam

Matt- Aye man call me I'll come over later.

Cam- I think she'd like that. I'll call you.

Cameron's POV

I stopped by her house and talked to her parents while she was sleeping in the car..

Cameron- *teary eyed* hey Mr and Mrs Cole...

Mrs. Cole- Cam honey what's wrong?

Cameron- Taylor got hit by a car tonight chasing after Jack and he's in a coma *crying*

Mrs. Cole- Awwh sweetheart..! How's Ri...?

Cameron- Can she stay with me tonight, she's not taking it well...

Mrs. Cole- Of course honey you two need each other I'll get some of her things.

Me. Cole- Cameron, son, he's strong.. We all know taylor.. He will be ok. I know it.

Cameron- Thanks Mr. Cole..

Mrs. Cole- I packed enough for a week.. Call me and let me know my numbers in the bag..

I went back out to the car and drove us home. I didn't wanna wake Ri so I carried her inside. I laid her head on my chest so I could rub her head when she said something..

Ri- *sleep talking* Taylor... I love you

I broke down.. I couldn't help it.. I kissed her forehead and whispered.. Ri baby girl we all love you and it will be ok....

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora