February 3rd

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Chapter 26-

Matts POV-

It was now February 3rd...

The day after the love of my life had died.. I had been drinking and cutting all night. You see I had taken his love for granted. I loved him everyday as he'd wake by my side.. His beautiful smile when he woke up holding my hand. I'd miss running my hand through his amazing hair and seeing him blush when I kissed him. Taking showers with him, movie nights and lazy days. Making him breakfast and surprising him after work. Seeing him at his worst and at his best. The man I loved, Cameron Alexander Dallas was now just a memory.

Ri's POV-

Ri- Baby... Baby...? BABY! Ow help me! Taylor help me!

Taylor- Baby what's wrong?! What's wrong baby tell me!

Ri- The baby ow my stomach hurts baby.. Oh god I'm bleeding -starts crying- I'm bleeding taylor help me help me!!!

Taylor- ok baby breathe -picks up Ri- I got you it's ok we'll be at the hospital soon baby -unlocks car & blows on Ri's face- baby breathe Shh it'll be ok I promise-

Ri- -screams- baby hurry it hurts I need help!!!! -grabs Taylor's hand-

Taylor- -pulls in hospital & picks up Ri- -runs in hospital- HELP SOMEONE HELP ME MY GIRLFRIEND SHES BLEEDING AND SHES PREGNANT HELP!

Taylor's POV-

A nurse had now been standing in front of me asking me to calm down and breathe, she was calling over male doctors to lift Ri out of my hands. To take my love away.

The nurse asked me how far along she was and I proceeded to tell her she was only 6 months along and that's when she had grabbed my hand and led me to sit down to wait for news about my queen and my prince or princess, about what was my life.

It had been about to hours now and the same short, rosy cheeked, now sad nurse started walking towards me. And then she had told me that the love of my life had fallen into a deep sleep which was medically known as a coma and that they had ran tests and it was because of stress. The baby's heart is under distress and they don't know if the baby will make it. Ri had lost a lot of blood and she was very weak but she said I was allowed to see her. As I was making my way back to her room, I had thought of all the times I did her wrong. The time I left her for her friend, when I started drinking, when I lied straight to her face, the girl I love most in the world and my unborn baby may die and I will never get to say goodbye and Ri and I were not on the best note. It shouldn't matter of she loved me or not I loved her and that's all the mattered to me. I needed her to live.

Ri's POV-

It's dark here. Where I am. I see cam. He's crying. He's talking to.. Matt? Wait.. MATT!!!? MATT IS THAT YOU?! MATT!!! But when they had turned around they just stared looking at me funny so I started running to them. MATT, CAM ITS ME!!

I finally reached them and hugged Cam so tight and then Matt, and then Cam said, "Ri this is heaven, you're not suppose to be here. You have a baby on the way, and Taylor loves you. Please Ri go back.. Go back." Then he put his hand on my stomach and whispered, "It's a beautiful baby girl." He smiled, let go of my hand and my body turned to Matt.

Ri- Matt.. Matt.. Why are you here? -gets teary eyed- Matt please tell me you didn't..

Matt- -wipes Ri's tears- no beautiful not yet.. I'm currently passed out, not breathing in me and cams apartment. I was drinking and I had just wanted to cut a little but the razor slipped and here I am.

Ri- Matt I need you please go back! -cries-

Matt- Shh baby I'm happy here you'll be ok and plus I can't save me only you can.

And with that Matt kissed my forehead, Cam then proceeded to kiss my cheek and hug me one last time and they both said they loved me. Cam then grabbed Matts face and kissed him so lovingly and then it got hard to breathe. I was gasping for air when I stared seeing light. When I opened my eyes I saw a crying Taylor and the only thing I could get out was, "Matt."

Sometimes change can be good/ A Taylor Caniff fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now