Only Fools

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When I see you there-
Remarkably tall and fair,
You rarely notice me
And seldom do I care.

He walks up to you with a pen,
The hypnotism starts only then;
I get mesmerized by your ways
And hope you repeat 'em again.

I stare at you both, even though
I'm not allowed to do so
Yet, let me continue and content myself
Fill my heart to the very core.

He, with euphoria, looks up at you
Reaches out; you do too
You smile bloomingly, at each other
My heart flutters, with feelings, new

I'm different, I know
They've all told me so
I'm never the princess in my story
My movements, cautious and slow.

Yes, I support them, leave them be
Do whatever, they're free
The difference between them and them,
Only fools like me can see.


I was yet again inspired by Troye Sivan and his song 'Fools' to write this poem. Though this one's a bit different. It's from a different point of view.
Vote and comment if you understood this poem and then read the next one!
- Mallina :)

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