As We'd Lie On The Grass

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I'd await your return by the lane,
A thousand thoughts about you in my brain,
I'd wait and wait,
Consider you late,
Until the sight of your pretty face I'd attain.

Hands in pockets, you'd walk up to me,
As shy as you would always be,
A smile you'd flash
My heart would crash
With much expected ecstasy.

As we'd lie on the grass, talking and blushing,
We'd reminisce the frequent, incessant rushing
Back when we'd be at school
The days so very beautiful
My mind be invaded, with further feelings all crushing.

Your eyes would sparkle under the sun,
And I'd assume it to be because of the fun
Until you'd lean over to me
Kiss my lips and and then see
My face reddened with bliss, my feelings undone.

As we'd lie on the grass, holding hands and staring,
At the path in front, and hardly daring
To untwine our fingers
The moments would linger
Them beautiful minutes, we'd keep on sharing.

Half of this poem was actually inspired by real events in my life. Emphasis on half :)
Yet, this poem tries to symbolise all the overflowing and happy feelings a young teen feels when she finally catches the eye of her crush.
Do vote, comment and read on! ;D
- Mallina

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