Young Night

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One night, travelling by, on a moving train,
A youth with earphones plugged in,
Bit his lip, turned a colour, stared at in vain,
A ravishing beauty perched on a seat of tin.

In sudden need of attention, walked up to her,
Nodded and squatted and received a smile-
A burst of energy, an article of spur
He reached out, his felicity- the size of the Nile.

The girl reached back, his heart buckled-
Like the earth under titanic pressure.
Blushes crept up, the brunette chuckled,
His thoughts were piled with immense pleasure.

Upset got the moment, the train jerked to stop;
The girl stood up, reluctant, and waved an adieu
The partner's grin experienced an immediate drop,
"Wait! do please tell, before you leave me, about you!"

The girl smiled, "I don't know, if what they say is right,
But I believe in love at first sight, do you?"
Astonished, the truthful youth, to get his dream granted; in delight
Hugged the girl, "We'll meet again, yes?" "Yes, we'll do."

I was going to school in a metro when I got this idea.
And yeah, you gotta vote and comment before you go ahead and read the next poem because I was not joking about the above statement  ;) 
- Mallina

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