First date

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You sighed, looking at your reflection in the mirror. Smiling, you walk out of the bathroom, shutting the light off behind you.    You just finished getting ready for your date with the man you ran into at Starbucks.  Tour was over now and Ricky had finally ask you out. Each day before the concert, you two would walk around the venue talking. You confided in him with your secrets that no one else knew. You told him about your past and rough high school years. He told you just as much. You knew all about his parents kicking him out after he dropped out of film school, his high school problems.

You told him about your depression and thoughts. He sat and listened. Not judging or anything. Afterwords he hugged you and held you close. If you had cried, he would wipe your tears and whisper soothing things into your ear.

You smiled thinking about the good times of tour. There was a knock at the door, knocking you out of your thoughts. You opened the front door to reveal a nervous looking Ricky.

"Hey." You said drinking in his handsomeness.  His head snapped up from looking down. Ricky's eyes widened as his looked you up and down.

"You look beautiful." He spoke softly. You blushed.

"Ready to go?" He asked. Quickly nodding, you step out and shut the door behind you, making sure it was locked.

You two walked down the path way to his car. Ricky ran ahead and opened the passenger door. He smiled cheekily at you as he stepped to the side.

"Thank you, sir!" You giggled, sliding into the car.

"You're welcome, ma 'dam" He shut the door and ran around the car to the other side. He got into the car and buckled up.

"Where are we going this fine evening?" You asked. Ricky smirked.

"Its a secret." You pouted looking at him, as the car rolled to a stop at a red light.  Ricky peeked over before shooting his glance back at the road.

"not the pout! MUST RESIST THE POUT!" he exclaimed blocking his view of you. You giggled and moved so he could see you. "No!"

Laughing you sat back in your seat and the light turned green. The rest of the car ride was silent. Soon the car was maneuvered to the side of the road. Ricky put the car in park and reached into the back seat.

"Mind putting on this blindfold?" He asked grabbing a bandana. You looked at him weird but grabbed the cloth nonetheless. Tying it behind your head, you sighed.

"Where are we going? Are you going to rape me then murder me?" You asked sitting straight up in your seat.

"No, I just want it to be a surprise." He chuckled lightly.

Soon you two  stopped. You heard Ricky unbuckle and get out. A few moments, you felt a breeze as your door opened. A soft hand clasped yours. Ricky helped  you out of the car.  You two walked about for 10 minutes before you stopped.

Ricky pulled off the blind fold. You gasped as everything came into focus. We were on a mountain over looking the town.  A little ways away, was a blanket with a picnic basket.  In the trees, fairy lights were strung.

"Ricky this is beautiful" you exclaim. Your hand flies up to your mouth in shock. Ricky stood next to you, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Really? I didn't know if you would like it or not." he rambled on about his doubts. You grab his hand and pull him closer to you.

"It's amazing. Thank you."

We sat down on the blankets. Ricky opened up the basket.  He pulled  out a few containers of food.

"I hope you like noodles and meat sauce." Ricky nervously spoke. You smiled softly.

"This is perfect."

You spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. After eating, Ricky pulled out his phone and a mini Bluetooth speaker and started playing music. He pulled you gently up to your feet and wrapped his arms around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and started swaying. The rest of the night was spent dancing and gazing into each other eyes.

He drove you home then walked you up to your door.

"I had a great time tonight." You said looking up at him. He smiled.

"so did I. Um...(Y/N), I have liked you for the longest time. Each day, i discover new things about you. It makes my feeling grow more and more. Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Your smile grew even more if it was possible.

"Yes, Ricky. I would love to be your girlfriend!"

Ricky pulled you closer and cupped your face with his hands. Soon his lips were placed on yours.

Ricky Horror imagines (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant