5 | With a Little Help From My Friends

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Some Roger/John friendship to give you warm and fuzzies.  :) Enjoy!


Madeline and her best friend Stella were hours deep in psychology terms and practices when they'd decided to head outside for a quick smoke break, the two of them sitting on the steps to Madeline's flat, staring up at the fresh evening sky, the stars beginning to shine against the light purple backdrop. Madeline smiled to herself, exhaling slowly as the smoke dissipated into the night sky. She turned to Stella, who was equally as lost in her own thoughts as Madeline was, and broke the silence.

"Stel, I have something to tell you."

"Go on", Stella waved her cigarette, inviting her friend to continue.

"You know who Queen are, right?"

"Yeah, been to a few of their shows."

"The drummer-"

"-is a babe", Stella interjected.

"Oi, let me finish! Well, you know how we opened for them last week?"

"I was bloody there, Mads", Stella said, giggling and feigning emotional injury.

"...Right. Anyway, Roger, the drummer, came over a few nights ago."

Stella's eyes widened and her eyebrows threatened to disappear into her hairline, which made her thick-rimmed glasses fall slightly down her nose. Madeline briefly thought this made her friend look professorial, if she weren't wearing bright red lipstick and didn't have teased platinum blonde hair.

Stella continued to stare in awe as Madeline quickly took a drag off her cigarette, eager to finish the story without her friend being presumptuous. "No, no, listen, it wasn't like that. We didn't do anything."

"Mads, you're you and he's the drummer from Queen, who's quite well known for sleeping around. Telling me nothing happened is like saying Hendrix was mediocre."

"Alright, first off." Madeline readjusted herself on the step, facing her friend more forwardly. Stella laughed at this obvious attempt to explain herself away. "For one, I had no idea he got around like that. For two, we really didn't do anything. For three, what the hell does 'you're you' mean?!"

"I dunno Mads, it means you're you. You're good at guys. They're drawn to you."

"Says you!" Madeline waved her hand in Stella's general direction. "You're drop dead gorgeous!"

"I'm not saying I'm not, but what I am saying is guys are drawn to you because you have this thing about you. You're mysterious. You make people want to talk to you, to get to know you. And then you push them away."

"Because most of them are lame, Stel."

"Did you have fun with this Roger guy? What did you even do?"

"The power went out in the flat again so we played truth or dare, which ended in us both on the roof in the rain. Then I made us pancakes in the morning." Madeline cursed herself mentally for leaving out the underwear part, but told herself it was for the best.

Stella cocked an eyebrow at her friend. "Alright."


"You made him pancakes and you didn't even shag him?"

"Oh for fuck's sake Stel..."

"When are you seeing him next?"

"He's coming to our Thursday show and you're not going to bother him."

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