7 | You've Got Me On My Knees

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I'm so sorry 😂 Enjoy!

"I'm just glad Dave found me", Stella said, waving her drink in the direction of Madeline, "or someone would've forgotten to invite me."

"I told you sorry a good thousand times, Stel!" Madeline put the pint glass to her lips, taking a huge gulp. "You're here though, aren't you?"

"Yeah, yeah", Stella replied, rolling her eyes before laughing.

The Spiders and half of Queen plus Stella were crammed into the tiny pub, fans and friends also part of the festivities, chatting and dancing away amongst themselves. Freddie was in a deep discussion with Stella about fashion, the Spiders were in an argument about how best to advertise their shows, and Roger and Madeline were stood at the bar, each with a double shot of vodka in their hand.

"Time for a rematch", Roger said, a sly grin spread across his face.

"You're gonna lose, I promise." Madeline stuck out her tongue, wrinkling her nose at Roger.

"Aw, are you really about to break a promise to me? I thought my feelings mattered to you, Mads."

Roger looked straight into Madeline's eyes, pulling a puppy dog look that could easily topple an entire regime. Her immediate reaction was for her heart to burst into flames and melt, but she held that feeling deep internally and couldn't let Roger win that easily. 'Thank god for alcohol', she mused to herself, 'or there's no way I could handle him right now, let alone handle myself.'

So she decided to play his game. Madeline leaned in close, elbow on the bar top, hand propping up her head, face inches from Roger's own. She stroked his soft blonde hair, feigning sympathy.

"I'm so terribly sorry, Roger. Sorry you have to lose."

She pulled a face at him, something halfway between a mischievous grin and a mocking snarl, and Roger mustered every bit of self control he had to not kiss her there and then. He wanted equal amounts of her shutting up and his lips on hers, but somehow he managed.

Clinking their shot glasses together, they both tapped the bottom of the glass against the bar top before throwing back the alcohol. Roger was determined, but Madeline conquered, doing a small victory dance while Roger looked on. He was smoldering with the simultaneous stinging of his loss and the alcohol taking full control of the wheel that was driving his emotions. Something had snapped in him.

And she could sense it. After laughing at the odd expression on his face, she locked eyes with him and knew the filter was gone. His shield was destroyed. She wasn't sure exactly what she did, but she knew she did it. He couldn't take it anymore.

Roger reached out and trailed his fingertips down the side of her arm, so lightly she could barely notice - but the electricity generated between their skin, albeit barely touching, was enough to power a small city. Madeline's eyes fluttered as she gazed at Roger. His own eyes were half-lidded as he slowly offered a smile, one that she'd never seen before. Her excitement bubbled and it slightly terrified her.

"Fine, you win."

Their gazes were intense, as if they were playing chicken with one another - both expecting the other to budge first, neither of them giving way. Roger was sure her eyes had bored two holes in his skull were his own eyes would be.

"I told you I would. I keep my promises, Roger."

His hand trailed down to her wrist, index finger catching on her own curled index finger where he linked the two together and began to pull her through the crowd. They passed Stella and Freddie, each looking after the pair and then exchanging knowing glances with each other. Madeline saw the look on their faces and wondered what they thought of her and Roger. She found herself wondering what she herself thought even more.

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