11 | The Evening Sunshine

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A short one, I hope you don't mind. :)

She clenched the tangled sheets with tight fists, the bed still unmade from her rude awakening that morning. Staring up at the ceiling, panting wildly, her eyes quickly squeezed shut when she felt the lightest touch possible on her nub. It quickly intensified as Roger pressed the flatness of his tongue against her, causing her to cry out, her call causing him to clutch each of her thighs just tight enough for her to know that he needed her.

His eyes shot up to her own, breathing heavily as he paused his sweet assault. "God, I didn't know you were going to taste this good", he started, kissing her inner thigh as she cried out from the sudden lack of stimulation. "Everything pales in comparison to you. Everything."

He slowly inserted a finger into her, continuing his oral antics as she wiggled on the bed, pleasure mounting up too quickly and with high intensity. He inserted a second, moaning against her clitoris as she tangled her fingers in his mane and tugged. The vibrations of his voice sent her nearly there and he sensed it as he inserted a third finger, gently pumping in and out of her opening.

"Oh, oh fuck, Roger. Oh fuck."

He let out another growl. She was driving him crazy.

"What do you want, love?" His breath danced across her center as he continued slowly pumping into her with his fingers. "I need you to tell me. Please?"

"Oh fuck", she cried out, his cadence almost begging, causing her to dance precariously close to her orgasm once again. "Roger, I need you."

"You need me to do what, love?" He grabbed her hand, untangling it with his hair and lacing his fingers with her own.

"I need you to make love to me, Roger."

Within an instant his body was pressed on top of hers, kissing her fervently while they both fumbled with prying off his skin-tight jeans. He pulled them down over his hips and tossed them into a nearby corner, his black boxer briefs not far behind.

He crawled on top of her, stroking her face as he positioned himself at her opening, sweat beading on his forehead. He wrapped her thighs back around his middle and she watched him intently. Gazing into his eyes, she nudged her hips towards his own, a smirk playing across her lips as he shot her a look.

"Are you trying to wreck me?" His eyes drifted over her face, the look in his eyes melting her very core. "Because I think you have a talent for it, love."

He slowly pushed into her, never breaking eye contact the entire time. She arched her back and the slow groan from her throat made him shiver. When he finally fully sheathed himself, he paused, gently wiping strands of damp hair from her forehead as she gazed up at him.

When he began slowly pumping, she wrapped her arms around him, nails digging gently into his back as she pressed her forehead to his shoulder. She could barely believe it; his reputation had certainly preceded him and he was hitting the right spot every time, pleasure radiating deep in her core.

"God, Roger", she sighed, pushing her hips in time to meet his own.

"Just Roger", he said, breathing heavily, sweat beginning to drip off of his chin. "The god title is purely ceremonious."

She rolled her eyes and chuckled, the sound of her laugh stirring something deep inside and he began driving into her with somehow even more enthusiasm. He hooked his arm underneath her knee, placing a calf on his shoulder as he tried desperately to find more leverage.

Madeline moaned heavily, pleasure threatening to overtake her for the third time in just a few minutes while Roger hooked her other calf over his other shoulder, and now by this point he was fighting back his own moans. Pleasure mounted in her like a train rapidly approaching and she found herself making all kinds of embarrassing noises as her pleasure ripped through her body, orgasm radiating through her as Roger continued thrusting into her.

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