12 | I Wanna Hold Your...

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Hey guys. Another short one, but I'm back. The next one will be a goodie. Thanks for reading :)

They walked side by side, occasionally bumping shoulders on the way to the pizza place down the street. The sun was setting, leaving a barrage of pinks and purples in its wake, a ripple of clouds becoming canvases as the late afternoon turned into night.

Roger felt great, laughing and joking with Madeline all the way. But something was gnawing at his brain.

Should he hold her hand?

He felt dumb for wondering. It would be easy to do so, they were walking close enough to each other. They did just finally rectify the whole "sexual tension" situation, they did just wake up naked next to each other, so why was he wrestling internally with himself? Should he wait until they make things official? Should he just do it and get it over with? Did she even want to be with him?

God, this girl really did turn him into a totally different person.

His stream of out of character thoughts was interrupted by Madeline suddenly plucking the cigarette from his mouth and taking a drag.

"What do you think, Rog?"

Shit. He was too engrossed in second-guessing himself; he wasn't listening to her.

"Uh, about what?"

"About you not paying attention and walking straight past that kid asking for your autograph."

He spun around immediately. "Wh-"

She burst out laughing. "I'm just fucking with you. But seriously, why're you so quiet?"

"Oh", he said, straightening his shirt out. "I was thinking. About... things."

"What things?"

"About... what kind of pizza to get."

"You were that engrossed in thoughts of pizza?"

"Hey." He stopped abruptly, index finger prodding her straight in the chest, eyes wide with seriousness.

"Pizza is a big deal to Roger Meddows Taylor."

"Your middle name is Meddows?"

"Pizza, Madeline. Focus. Pizza-"

"Meddows, Roger?"

He started walking faster. "PIZZA."

"Your middle name is Medd-"



He sat across from her, dead silent as they stared at each other and tried not to laugh. The waiter had brought by a couple of beer refills now, each time giving them side glances as they asked for more straws.

Roger had seven, she had four. He'd stolen some from her pile and added them to his own when she took too long at reading the menu. Straw wrappers littered the ground beneath them, the waiter clearly unhappy with the idea of having to clean up after grown adults.

Madeline loaded a straw up, undoing the paper wrapper and gently giving it space at the end. Just as she was ready to blow into the straw, Roger broke his stare and flinched, shooting a hand up to cover his eyes. She slapped a hand over her mouth, stifling hysterics as tears threatened to form at her eyes.

This was way too much fun.

When the pizza came, they ate with ferocity - such ferocity that Madeline asked Roger why he was eating so fast and he replied that he "worked up an appetite" which caused her cheeks to radiate pink.

"So, Madeline", Roger started, swallowing the last of his beer as they stood up to leave. Madeline watched as Roger tucked the money for the tab underneath the empty pint glass. In her head she knew at some point they had to decide what to do with the rest of their evening and that this would probably be that moment, judging by the cadence of Roger's voice. He sounded slightly nervous but totally collected.

"Yeah, Rog?" She pushed her dark hair out of her eyes, smiling up at him as he held the door open for her.

They walked side by side, the last rays of the sun reflecting off of his golden hair. The bright colors of autumn hanging on the trees burned vibrantly in the orange rays, the deep blue sky creating a beautiful contrast. Just like they did.

"Wanna go back to my place? I think Fred and Bri are probably around, we could have a little get together."

She smiled. "Sure. Is it cool if I invite-"

"Stella! Yes, absolutely invite her."

"Should we swing by my place so I can grab a jacket and give her a ring?"

Roger grinned. "Let's go."

On the way to her house, he slipped his hand into hers. 

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