20 | Someone Saved My Life Tonight

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Y'all have been so wonderfully patient with me! I'm gonna try to start updating more! Feedback is super appreciated!!!

Wet sandpaper.

Wet sandpaper.

Wet sandpaper wet sandpaper wet sandpaper wet sandpaper wet

Madeline frowned and swatted at her nose, her eyes tightly clenched shut in protest. It must've been the wee hours of the morning...

Wet sandpaper wet sandpaper wet s

She covered her nose with her hand and was surprised to receive a kitty rub on her knuckles, the sudden brush of fur and the mantra of 'wet sandpaper' repeating in her head slowly adding up to One Whole Cat. Furthermore, she realized in the fervor of last night she forgot to feed the aforementioned cat, adding up the rest of the equation to a total of One Whole Hungry Cat.

She whispered a small 'shit' at her realization and gently pushed him off the bed, listening to him joyfully pad into the dark kitchen and straight to his food dish as she softly giggled through her nose at his enthusiasm.

A cold hand, previously unnoticed, delicately stirred against her ribcage, the accompanying arm draped over her side. Her movements must've woken him, she thought, as she enjoyed the delicious warmth of the bed and its company.

His hand spread across her middle, pulling her close as he buried his face in between her shoulder blades.

"Mmm", he croaked, voice thick with sleep. "What time is it, babe?"

Babe? Her head swirled, dizzy with love and sleepiness as she laced her fingers with his.

"Not sure", she replied, beginning to swing her legs out of the bed. Frowning, Roger locked his arms around her middle in protest, completely unwilling to let her leave.

"And I'm not sure where you're going", he replied, mouth tracing a mischievous smile against the sensitive spot on her neck - the one he found last night...

"I forgot to feed Zero when we got in last night", Madeline started, blushing in the dark as Roger sleepily kissed the magic neck spot, teeth gently nibbling the sensitive flesh there. She paused, considering her words. "Unless you want him to incessantly bother us..."

She gave it a few seconds before her words sunk into Roger's sleepy brain, and just as she predicted, he hastily released her from his grip. "Say no more."

Sliding off the bed, she pulled Roger's boxers on, rooting around on the floor for a shirt. Pulling one on in the darkness, she padded into the kitchen, the scratchy print on the front of the shirt rubbing against her bare skin. Ah, she put it on inside out.

Flicking on the dim table lamp in her kitchen, she pulled a can of cat food from the cupboard, prying open its lid with the pull tab on top. As the cat circled in between her legs, chirping all the while, she set the can down onto the little black dish, the cat nudging her hand out of the way to access the wet slimy food.

"I don't know how the hell you eat that shit, Z", she said to the cat, sleepily rubbing her eyes.

Glancing at the darkened window, she pulled the lace curtain aside and glanced out to the street below, which was sleepily covered in a fresh sheet of snow. She had to do a double take, though, to account for the small red car parked outside the flat.

From this distance, it looked like Stella's.

Peeking into the bedroom, a light snore echoing softly in the darkness confirmed a suspicion - that the drummer had, in fact, fallen back asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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