Chapter 6: The Start of a Wonderful Family

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Five years and six months ago

It was a cool summer night when Yuuri decided to pick up a last minute job. It was downtown in one of the shadier parts of Tokyo, but it paid well. Not that he needed to worry about money since his husband assured he had it covered, but Yuuri refused to sit around and play house wife. Well, more like house husband, but regardless he wasn't about to sit around like some lazy bum.

And that brings him to where he was right now, all alone on top of a rooftop with his gun pointed at the young couple who had recently moved into the neighborhood. His job wasn't to kill them, but to protect them. Jobs like these didn't come around often, but when they did, Yuuri took them. Not only did they pay great, but be made him happy to be protecting someone rather than putting a bullet through them.

It was nearly eleven. He's been up there for over two hours by now with only himself and pigeons to keep him company. His phone was always a distraction so he kept it tucked away in his pocket for emergencies. It had taken a few tries, but Yuuri had even convinced Viktor to not text him during jobs unless it were completely necessary.

Many more minutes ticked by and Yuuri checked his watch again. The man who had hired him had said if nothing happened by three, he was free to leave with full pay guaranteed. He wasn't even much information other than something might happen to the couple.

It had only been fifteen minutes since he last checked, making him dread the remaining time.

Yuuri scanned the streets and sidewalks again, sighing from boredom. Every so often there would be a person walking down the pavement or a car driving down the road, but nothing out of the ordinary. Then something happened.

A man wearing a baseball cap sat down at a bus stop, glancing around from under his cap. Any other time of the day, this would've been normal. Just your average Joe waiting for next mode of transportation to show up so he could go home.

But the last bus had already come and gone forty minutes ago.

Yuuri made sure to keep an eye on the man, but every few minutes -- ten to twelve minutes, preciously -- someone else would appear.

One man, a tall and bulky one, lingered on the corner by the street lamp.

Another one on the stairs of an abandoned building.

Then the fourth, and hopefully final one, jumping up and onto the fire escape.

Yuuri took a deep breath, adjusting the grip on his gun. He placed his index finger on the trigger, ready to pull it at any given moment. It was another twenty-one minutes before anything happened.

The first man from the bus stop was the first to move. He stood up, fixing his jacket and cap before walking across the road. He slowly looked around before entering. Then the man at the abandoned building casually strolled over to stand in front of the building for watch out duty. Yuuri's gaze flickered over to the last man by the street lamp, only to find that he had moved and was no longer in sight.

Yuuri cursed under his breath, looking through his scope. The guy who had climbed up the fire escape was now perched out the window that Yuuri was protecting.

The Japanese man double checked his silencer, aiming at the man keeping watch. He pulled the trigger, watching the man crumble down to the ground with a soft thud. He then changed his direction to the man on the fire escape, taking him out as well.

Now he had a choice to make. Wait till the man inside came into view and snipe him, or head inside and take the man out himself. Yuuri quickly calculated the time it would take for the man to reach the floor of the couple, and then the time it would take for himself to get there.

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