Chapter 12: Home

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Three years and ten months ago

A new lifestyle appeared with Viktor now gone. Of course, it was hard for Yuuri to get used to and even harder for Kei to adjust to, but they managed. Phichit was still living with them, declaring that he'd stay until he was certain his best friend and nephew were ready for him to leave.

Kei hadn't asked about his Otets since the day Yuuri lost it. Often times he'd catch his son looking at the framed photo's on the wall or on the bedside and feel a pain of regret. He shouldn't have taken his hurt feelings out on Kei.

At night after Kei had fallen asleep, or at least faked it long enough for one of the adults to leave his room, Yuuri and Phichit sat in the kitchen. The Thai man had told Yuuri that Kei asked him about Viktor all the time but was afraid to ask about him to Yuuri in fear that he'd get yelled at or turned away from.

"I tell him stories," Phichit confessed to his friend. "I show him the pictures from the photo album and try and tell him the stories, but I know he want's to hear them from you... I'm not saying you have to, but at least look the photo albums some time. For his sake."

Yuuri nodded, taking his friends words into consideration. And did as his friend requested. Not that very same time but a few days later.

It was after their nightly conversation. Phichit was asleep on the couch and Kei was supposedly asleep in his room. Yuuri, who had gone into the kitchen for a glass of water, pausing by the bookcase that held the photo albums. He contemplated for a moment before picking a random one off the shelf.

The lamp was still on when he entered the room, so Yuuri saw that as a sign that he was meant to be looking at the pictures. He settled in on the pillows of the bed, opening it to the first page. Upon opening it, he found pictures from when he and Viktor first started dating.

He remembered how silly, yet adorable the Russian had been while taking the photos. It wasn't till six months later did he discover why he'd taken so many pictures. On the eve of their six months of dating, Viktor handed him the very same book, each page consisting of him or something else he was doing or was into. There were even little messages on notebook papers for him, describing little things he loved about Yuuri.

A shuffling noise made him look away from the photo's and to the door where Kei was now standing. Yuuri sighed, setting the album on the nightstand. With out stretched arm, Yuuri took Kei into his arms, holding him to his chest and resting his chin on the top of his head. He knew Kei saw the photo album, but the boy didn't say anything about it.

Yuuri set Kei down so that he was resting against his side. The child moved to be more comfortable, watching his father curiously as he reached for the photo album. Once he had it in his hands, he put one arm around Kei, allowing them to cuddle up with one another.

Kei took long looks at each picture, Yuuri noticed. Yuuri made sure he waited long enough before flipping through the pages, giving the child time to absorb every detail in every picture. It wasn't until about a quarter of the way through did Yuuri pause.

On the left page were three pictures of Yuuri and Makkachin as well as a little note on how cute Viktor thought the sight was. On the other page was a single photo of Yuuri trying to give the poodle a bath, only to have the dog splash water at him.

Sadly, Makkachin passed away shortly after Kei's first birthday. The boy didn't remember the dog but had heard countless stories from his Otets about the fluffy poodle.

So Yuuri told Kei about Makkachin. About how gentle she was and how she loved cuddles. About how protective she was of baby Kei. He chose not to bring up about the dog's last few weeks, fearing it would only upset the child. At the end, Kei's eyes shone with so much wonder and interest. It almost made Yuuri cry.

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