Chapter 10: The Mission

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Had Yuri been on dangerous missions before? Yes, countless even. But this one was unlike any other. This time, he and many others had something to lose.

As he entered the enemy's compound, he couldn't help but feel scared. He did his best not to, knowing he had to keep it together in order to complete the job. Thankfully, Phichit voice came in over his earpiece, giving him directions to the entrance.

"I'm in," the blonde whispered over his earpiece.

"Okay," Phichit said, his voice sounding loud in the dead silent environment. "Now, keep in mind that I won't be able to help you much until you get that flash drive into the main computer. Keep your guard up."

"Yeah," Yuri rolled his eyes, turning his mic off for the moment. "As if I don't need that."

Yuri continued to make his way through the ground level of the building. Each time he heard a guard approaching, he'd either run back and hide around the corner or press himself up against one of the pillars so that the shadows covered him. It took longer than he expected to get to the second floor due to how many guards were patrolling, but he finally ran up the flight of stairs.

He notified the others that he had made it to the second floor. They were all relieved, but they also knew that there was still another floor to go.

On the second floor, security seemed to be more of an issue than before. There were twice as many guards, and Yuri noticed that there were cameras on every other corner. Sadly, the hacker of the team had no access to them as of now, meaning Yuri had two options.

One, avoid the cameras and guards at all cost, which was more time consuming and much more risky than he'd like.

Or option two. Knock a pair of guards out and take one of their uniforms. This had many flaws to it. All the guards traveled in groups of two, and Yuri was alone. Another thing was that Yuri looked nothing like any of the Asian men that had passed him. Even if he was able to hide his hair, his skin, eyes, and accent would give him away.

"Damn it," the blond mumbled to himself. What were his other options?


Once they had gotten word that Yuri was on the second floor, Viktor and Yuuri decided now was the time to cause a distraction. Chris argued against it while Phichit agreed with the other two. In the end, the two left the van, nervous as can be.

Viktor held Yuuri hand the whole way, listening to the same instructions that Phichit had given Yuri earlier. They took the wide side entrance in, being as quiet as they could be until they made it to the center of the ground floor.

Phichit warned them to wait until Yuri called for back up. This resulted in the two hiding in a small meeting room two halls down from the main entrance. While they waited, they sat in the chairs, thinking to themselves. Viktor only lasted a few minutes before speaking his thoughts out loud.

"Do you think Yurio's doing okay?"

Yuuri didn't say anything, making Viktor think he hadn't heard him. Then, the younger man opened his mouth and whispered, "I don't know."

The Russian bit his lip. "And you?"

"I'm worried," Yuuri admitted weakly. "About Kei. Yurio." He paused, hesitating. "You."

Viktor managed a small smile, moving his hands to cover Yuuri's. He slowly rubbed them, hoping that it calmed the Japanese man.

"Everything's going to be okay, moy lyubimyy."

Yuuri nodded, unable to meet his eyes. Viktor sighed silently, sliding his chair to be closer to him. Once he was close enough, he wrapped his arms around Yuuri's shoulder and pulled him closer. Yuuri relaxed a little but kept his guard up at the same time. They stayed like that for about thirty seconds before someone came over on their ear pieces.

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