Chapter 8: Shattered

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Four years and one month ago

Viktor sat in the kitchen with Kei, both of them coloring in coloring books. Kei's was messy, which was expected from a two year old while the the silver haired man's was neat and in the lines. Yuuri was also in the room but he was doing the dishes. In the background, music was playing but it low and soft, relaxing all three people in the room.

Kei looked over at his Otets's picture and pouted.

"Your's better," Kei frowned. Viktor did as well, but not for the same reason. He truly believed Kei's was better than his.

"I disagree," Viktor told him. "Your's has so much color and looks so pretty."

"Really?" the two-year old's eyes brightened.

"Really," his father smiled. "When you finish it, we can even put it on the fridge."

Kei gasped, reaching for a new crayon. Viktor chuckled, looking over at his husband at the sink. Yuuri had turned his head to look over at the two, smiling fondly at them. Viktor was about to walk over to his beloved but his work phone went off. The couple looked at one another, frowning.

"I got him," Yuuri told the Russian, shooing him off. "Go answer it."

Viktor sighed heavily, leaving the room with his phone. Meanwhile, Yuuri dried his hands and took a seat where his husband had previously been sitting. Kei carried on coloring and Yuuri watched.

"Otets talk to?" Kei asked in choppy words.

"Probably Yakov," Yuuri sighed. Kei stopped coloring, looking up at his other dad.

"Oh," the child said, sounding disappointed. He too had picked up on what it meant when Yakov called. If Yakov called, it usually meant that Viktor had to go back to Russia for at least a week, if not longer.

"I know, chīsana mono," Yuuri replied to his son.

They fell back into silence and listened to the music in the background. Another five minutes passed and Kei finished his picture. Yuuri went to tear it out of the book, but Kei stopped him, claiming that Otets had to do it.

They left the kitchen and went into the toddler's room where all the toys were. Yuuri played with his son until the small boy started yawning. Yuuri then decided it was nap time for him. So Kei went over to his bed, pulling his soft nap time blanket over himself and his unnamed leopard to his chest. He fell into a deep sleep in a matter of minutes.

Yuuri quietly left the room, hoping that Viktor was done talking to his boss. Sadly, he heard him in their bedroom speaking in Russian. It had already been an hour, making the Japanese man start to wonder what they were talking about.

Viktor finally came out an hour later, finding his husband watching TV on the couch. He smiled at him, going over to join him.

"What was that about?" Yuuri asked once they had found a comfortable position wrapped in each other's arms.

"I'll tell you later," Viktor mumbled, nuzzling into Yuuri's neck. Yuuri giggled, Viktor's hair tickling him a little. They were able to cuddle for a few minutes by themselves before Kei awoke from his nap and joined them on the couch, rubbing his eyes.

The three stayed like that, all cozy like for a few more minutes before Kei said something about food. They then got up and had a late lunch.

The rest of the day went on as usual. Both parents kept their son busy, one of them running off to do some chore every so often. Yuuri received the occasional text from Phichit, which was normally a cute animal video he sent for Kei. Around four, Yuuri disappeared into the kitchen beginning to make dinner, leaving the other two to play and color. Once they had eaten dinner, they all sat down and watched one of Kei's favorite movies until he fell asleep for the night.

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