Chapter 7: Declarations

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Present Day

Yuri drove down the roads at top speed, not giving two shits about the speed limit, cursing the whole time. Viktor and Chris did their best to calm the young man and to get him to slow down, but nothing worked. Instead, the older men held onto something and prayed they didn't crash.

They arrived back at the house thirty minutes earlier than they should have. Yuri blamed traffic, claiming they could've been back sooner.

All three of them ran down to the basement where everyone was waiting. Viktor handed Yuuri the card they had received. The Japanese man read it once, then twice, examining both sides of the card. Then, after a brief moment of silence, he crumpled up, throwing on the ground out of pure anger.

"Then they'll get a fucking war!" Yuuri screamed. It was highly unusual for him to swear. Viktor forced him into a chair before he went completely nuts.

"Phichit, got anything new?" Viktor asked while he tried calming his husband. The Thai man bit his lip, focusing on his laptop screen.

"Hold on... I almost have it," he mumbled.

Viktor looked confused, as did the other two who hadn't been there the past few hours. Otabek explained to them that Phichit had decided to hack into a few databases and search in hope of information. The one he was attempting (and succeeding) to get into was the last one on a list of three and was most likely the one with everything they needed to know.

There was a silence that broke after ten minutes.

"I got in!" Phichit shouted even though everyone was within seven feet. Everyone crowded around Phichit and his laptop, most of the coding and such, made no sense to anyone but the Thai man. He scrolled down a few times before clicking on something.

"What's that?" Yuri asked.

"The address," Phichit mumbled. "I'll need to check it out to make sure it's the real thing, but until then we need a plan. And a good one too, if we want to make it out alive."

Everyone agreed, scattering out. Yuri went to find all the knives Yuuri had taken from him and give them a fresh sharpening. Then Viktor followed Yuuri into the side room of the basement. It was stocked full of ammunition and various weapons. Most of them were Yuuri's that he had to keep in a secure location after he moved in with Viktor, though he still kept a hand full of guns on him at home. They were all hidden away, of course, but they were there.

Chris walked in at one point. He looked tired, saying nothing as he examined one of the walls hold handguns. He picked one off the shelf, waving at Viktor on his way out. Yuuri hadn't notice anyone walk in. He was too busy cleaning his favorite gun.

"We need my katana," Yuuri mumbled out of the blue. Viktor awoke from his daze, nodding.

"Let's go get it then."

Yuuri nodded, setting down his weapon. He followed Viktor, allowing the Russian to explain to the others what they were doing.

The couple got into Viktor's car without another word being spoken between them. Viktor could tell from a glance Yuuri was thinking, hard too. A dangerous thing for him, Viktor had learned when they first met.

"Tell me what you're thinking," Viktor demanded, though it was gently said. Yuuri glanced over, taking in a shaky breath.

"Just... when we go to get Kei back, what if one of us die?"

Viktor took Yuuri's hand, rubbing it with the back of his thumb. Yuuri held the Russian's hand back, needing all the comfort he could get.

"That's not going to happen. I won't let it."

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