Chapter 9: Calm Before the Storm

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Morning was peaceful. Well, the first few minutes anyway.

Viktor woke up just after seven, right beside his beloved Yuuri. He wasn't holding the man, thinking that he would be crossing a line in a way. Instead, he settled with just holding one hand in nothing but a comforting way.

Yuuri was still asleep, his hair tousled from the pillows and rolling around. His face was relaxed, making him look like a gentle angle in Viktor's eyes. Viktor had no idea he was staring till Yuuri's eyes fluttered open. He stared up at the Russian, yawning as he did. Viktor smiled, being reminded of the old days when this was an everyday thing to see. It's a shame he hadn't seen it in so long...

"You should a shower," Yuuri mumbled. "We've got a long day ahead of us."

Viktor sighed, rubbing his thumb across Yuuri's hand. He knew his husband was right. And who knew when his next shower would be.

When Viktor didn't get up, Yuuri got up, stretching before going to get dressed. Viktor hesitantly got up, grabbing everything he needed, to do as Yuuri had suggested. The two left the room seconds later, and when their peace ended.

Yuri was screaming in the kitchen. Otabek, who Viktor had less expected, was raising his voice at his boyfriend in attempts to calm him down. Chris was also present, shouting at Phichit about something and the Thai man was shouting back at him as well. Yuuri groaned, as did Viktor. It was too early for loud noises.

In the kitchen, Yuri was being held back by Otabek. The youngest of them looked to be trying to break free of his boyfriend and attack one of the other two on the opposite sides of the room.

"Otabek. Give me the knife," Yuri told him, demanding for it back.

"I said no." He spat back.

Phichit furiously tapped away on his laptop, Chris right beside him, yelling into his ear. They both looked panicked.

"Change it back!" The Swiss man ordered.

"I'm trying!" Phichit snapped back. "I'm going as fast as I can."

Yuuri stepped in, not tolerating any of it at this early of the morning.

"What the hell's going on?"

Yuri was the first to answer, turning his head to face Yuuri. The look in the blonde's eyes screamed murder though, but Yuuri knew it was nothing but an empty threat. His nickname was kitten for a reason.

"This asshole changed my password, and now every time I try and get into my computer it plays some damn meme music!" Yuri spat, pointing right at Phichit. Otabek, who had a grip on his boyfriend.

"Yura!" he scolded, treating his as though he were a child.

Yuri immediately stopped struggling, shrinking back. All the commotion in the room stopped. Never had they seen Yuri back down from any sort of fight, yet here he was being scolded by Otabek and backing off everyone.

"Sorry, Beka," Yuri whispered, his head hanging in shame. Otabek only sighed, pulling the blonde into a hug, letting him know it was alright.

Seconds later, Phichit hit a button on the keyboard, finalizing the last thing. He silently placed it back onto the counter, not wanting to interrupt the two in the corner.

Chris did though. He did without any hesitation at all.

"What time do we strike the base?" he asked.

"Eleven tonight," Phichit answered. "We need to be there by ten, so if we leave at three, that will give us enough time, with traffic and if a pit stop is needed."

Vile Acts *A Yuri!!! On Ice Mafia AU*Where stories live. Discover now