Chapter 1

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Hey so I'm currently in the middle of writing like 4 fics as well as this one because for some reason I though it would be a good idea, but I figured I could be updating all of them at the same time so I hope you enjoy this fic and if you do please like and comment and stuff and if you feel like being awesome you could maybe check out my other fics :)


"Gav are you sure about this? We can take them with us if you want?" My mum asks and I shake my head, looking over at my 8-year-old brother lying on one sofa and my 2-year-old sister lying on the other. "They're not well, you don't wanna drag em round the shops. I'm only gonna be studying mum, they won't be in the way and Dan won't mind." I say and she smiles as my dad walks into the room. "Ready to go love." He says to my mum before looking at me, "Thanks Gav. We'll be back in a few hours." Mum kisses me on the forehead and dad pats my back and they say they love us all before leaving the house. Half an hour later the phone rings. I wake up and take a deep breath. I always wake up as the phone rings. That was 2 years ago and the last time we saw our mum and dad alive.

"Gavin! We're gonna be late!" Johnny calls and I shoot up and check the time. 8 am. Shit, they have to be at school in half an hour.
"Coming Johnny!" I call and I pull on a pair of skinny jeans and a black shirt before walking down the hall.
"Mornin guys." I say as I grab a cup of coffee. I've been looking after Johnny and Olivia since our parents died because we don't have any other family and I was 18 so I could get legal custody, but we did move so we could be closer to my dad's friend Geoff just in case we needed anything. We live in a small apartment but it has everything we need apart from the fact that Johnny and Olivia need to share a room, not that they mind and most of the time we all fall asleep in my bed anyway due to us watching a movie together or just having a chat before bed. I work in a library close to their school and they come and read until my shifts end on the days I have to work late but we're fine, we have each other and that's enough.

When we've finished breakfast I pull Olivia's hair into a pony tail whilst Johnny puts on his converse and we grab our bags before we pile into my car. The drive is only 10 minutes long so we get to their school in no time. I pull up and turn off the engine before we all get out. I turn to them both and smile.
"Alright guys, have a good day, yeah? Livvy, don't worry about that reading test okay, you know it all and you'll be fine. Johnny, don't worry about that presentation, you're gonna nail it." I say and he smiles, nodding. Johnny had some trouble when we first moved, he's quite small for his age which makes him stick out slightly, and his British accent makes him stick out more, but he also has a short temper, he didn't really deal with the loss of our parents well and although he's a good kid he doesn't take shit from anyone and will not hesitate to punch a kid in the face, but he hasn't had an incident like that since October and it's late March now.
"I finish at half 3 today so Olivia, you wait with your teacher until Johnny comes to get you okay? Don't walk to the library without him." I tell her and she nods.
"Yeah Gavvy." She says before hugging me tightly. I hug her back, patting Johnny on the shoulder.
"Alright, off you go. Have a good day guys." I say before kissing Olivia's head and getting back in the car.

I park in one of the spaces in front of the library and get out, grabbing my bag and walking into the building.
"Morning Gavin." My boss, Laura, says as I walk into the staff room.
"The little ones coming in later?" She asks and I nod.
"Mornin' Laura. Yeah, they're coming by." I say before getting to work putting returned books back on the shelves.

I sigh as I pick up a book on history. It's quarter past 3 and Olivia and Johnny should be here soon as they finish now and it only takes them a few minutes to walk here. I'm about to put the book on its respective shelf when someone walks up to me.
"Hey, could you give me a hand?" He asks and I look at him. He's a tiny bit shorter than me, around a year or two older and he has reddish brown hair and brown eyes.
"Yeah sure, what you trying to find?" I ask and he looks surprised.
"You alright?" I ask and he nods, blushing slightly.
"Yeah sorry, just wasn't expecting a British accent. My friend needs a book and she was too busy with work to come ask for help." He says, nodding behind him to a girl. She has her back to me but I see she has red hair and is sitting at a table surrounded by paper and textbooks.
"Yeah sure, what does she need?" I ask and he's about to say something when Olivia runs up to me.
"Gavvy!" She says excitedly and I shush her, kneeling down to her level.
"Liv, sweetie what have I told you about shouting in the library? I'm trying to help someone darlin'." I say and she bites her lip guiltily.
"Sorry Gavvy." She says and I smile.
"No problem love. Where's Johnny?" I ask as he comes walking round the corner.
"Hey Gav." He says quietly and I smile.
"Hey buddy, good day at school?" I ask and he shrugs.
"It was alright. I aced that presentation though." He says and I smile.
"Told ya. Can you take Olivia somewhere? I'm trying to help someone find something. If you ask nicely I'm sure Laura would give you a biscuit." I say, standing up and Johnny nods.
"Okay." He says, taking Olivia's hand and walking over to the staff room and I turn to the guy next to me and bite my lip.
"Sorry about them." I say and he smiles.
"No problem. They yours?" He asks and I shake my head.
"My siblings. So what were you looking for?" I ask and he frowns in confusion before realization crosses his face.
"Oh yeah. Erm something about a street car?" He says unsure and I nod.
"A street car named desire?" I ask.
"That's the one." I smile and turn to the correct shelf, picking up the play and handing it to him, trying not to blush when our fingers brush against each other.
"Thanks, Gavin." He says and I smile.
"No problem," I say, hoping he fills in the gap with his name.
"Michael." He says and I nod.
"It was nice to meet you, Micool, but I should go take the siblings home." I say and he nods.
"Yeah, well, I'll see you around." He says and I smile, turning around and going to the staff room.

I see Olivia and Johnny sitting on the sofa laughing and smile. After what we went through I didn't think I'd see them smile again, it's nice to see them happy.
"Hey Gavin, who were you talking to just now?" Laura asks and I shrug.
"Just someone looking for a book." I say and she rolls her eyes.
"Gavin, I can see right through you." She says and I blush.
"Alright guys, let's go home." I say and Laura rolls her eyes again as I try to change the subject. Johnny and Olivia pick up their backpacks and I hold Olivia's hand as we leave the staff room and walk through the library. I see Michael talking animatedly to his friend, who I now see is Lindsay who is friends with my friend Meg. Lindsay notices me, smiles in recognition, and says something to Michael, making him stop moving while she smirks at him.
"Gav what's for dinner tonight?" Johnny asks as we walk past where Michael is sitting and out of the library. I shrug.
"Anything you want little bro." I say and we climb into the car.
"Gavvy who was that boy you were talking to?" Olivia asks and I sigh, here we go.
"Just someone who needed help to find a book, Liv. Why?" I ask and she smiles.
"He was nice. His hair was fluffy." She says and I smile.
"Yeah he was nice." I say and Johnny smirks at me.
"Oh please you like him." He says and I chuckle. Johnny, Olivia and I are all really close and even though they're 10 and 16 years younger than me I tell them everything anyway and they tell me everything too. We don't keep secrets from each other.
"Like him or like like him?" Olivia asks and I chuckle at her.
"Like like, Liv." I say and Johnny grins smugly. My phone rings and I hand it to Johnny so he can answer it as I'm driving.
"Hello?" He asks before grinning.
"It's Geoff." He says and I smile, Geoff calls at least once a day to check up on us and make sure we're all still alive.
"Yeah we can!" Johnny says into the phone before turning to me. "He said can we go over for dinner today." Johnny tells me and I smile, nodding.
"Yeah see, Gav said yes. Speaking of, Gavin has a boyfriend." Johnny says as I pull into a parking space in front of our apartment building. I take my phone off Johnny, who's laughing hard, and talk to Geoff.
"It's a lie. We'll be there about 6." I say before hanging up.
"What did you go and say that for?" I ask and Johnny laughs harder.
"Right, that's it!" I say and Johnny's eyes go wide and he leaps out of the car, sprinting to the front door. I get Liv out and lock the car before chasing after Johnny, grabbing him round the middle and picking him up, tickling him until he's laughing so hard he can't breathe.
"Alright, mercy." He says and I laugh, putting him down and unlocking the front door. We walk into the front room and collapse on the sofa.
"So how was school?" I ask and Olivia grins.
"Great! I learnt about shapes." She says and I smile.
"Good job, bud." I say, patting her head affectionately before turning to Johnny.
"How 'bout you, kiddo?" I ask softly. After mum and dad died Johnny had a tough time at school, especially since he had to change schools. He got into a few fights but he's made good friends and is doing really well in his classes.
"It was alright. My presentation went well and Miss thinks I'm gonna get a good grade for it." He says and I look him in the eyes.
"But?" I ask and he shrugs.
"I just- this boy in my class, Sam, was taking the mick that I don't have parents and that I have to live with my big brother. He said I'm not normal." He says and I wrap my arm around his shoulders.
"Come on, kiddo, I know it sucks being the only kid without parents but, you know what? Normal is so overrated. You may not have parents but you have a big brother and a little sister that love you and love to spend time with you. I bet Sam's brother doesn't hang out with him at all. Normal is boring, Johnny. Don't forget that." I say and he nods.
"Thank you, Gavvy." He says and I smile.
"No problem. Now, we've got a few hours to kill before we go to Geoffs for dinner. Who wants to go to the cafe and have a slice of cake?" I ask and they both grin.
"Let's go then!"


Hope you enjoyed it, I will /hopefully/ be posting regular updates and stuff and let me know what you think <3r

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