The Band

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I later found out that the reason Dylan was there so early was because he was actually staying with us. I was super excited that, after not seeing him for so long, I was now getting to spend a week with him at our parents'. We were now out back in the backyard, setting up the band for performance that we do every year.

I felt my phone vibrate in the back pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out and looked at the notification I had gotten; it was from Instagram, saying that Noah liked one of my pictures. I hadn't posted in a couple days and I knew that he had already liked that of, so I swiped to the side on the motivation to unlock my phone. When the screen loaded, it said that the post he liked was of him, Dylan, Gabbie, and me of the day him and Dylan graduated. It was from almost two years ago.

Hm, I thought. That's... odd.

"Lilly, could you grab the snare over there?" Dylan called as he placed down the bass drum, with some help from Gabbie's twin brother, Tommy.

Gabbie and I have been best friends since second grade and have only grown closer since. Around middle school, after being around each other so much, Dylan and Gabbie started becoming friends too. Once we got to high school, they actually dated for a couple years, before Dylan had to go on tour and they decided that a long distance thing like that in high school would never work. However, they're still friends to this day.

Tommy and I were never as close friends. He always just hung out with a different friend group.

"Sure," I answered, putting my phone back into my pocket. We were setting up the drums out under the cabana in the backyard. Dylan, Gabbie, and I always put together a band. Tommy wasn't very musically inclined, but he still loved listening to us.

I played piano and sang, Gabbie played electric guitar, and Dylan, obviously, played bass. Gabbie also sang backup vocals. It was always pretty casual. People would shout out songs they wanted to hear and if we knew it, we played it. If we didn't, we would almost always look up the chords. That is unless we absolutely couldn't stand the song.
Sometimes, a song would only require a single instrument or all of us. That was pretty much the band. It's been that way since we were kids. Our parents and aunts and uncles used to do it, and once Tommy and Gabbie started coming since they were practically family, we invited them to join as well.
Aside from that, though, Gabbie and I actually have our own band. It's called The Dreamers and every Saturday night, Gabbie and I play at a small club near us.

"Alright!" Tommy said, "We are all set up!" We looked around: The piano, which was really just an electric keyboard, was in one corner, a microphone leaning over it for me, the guitar and bass in another, two mic-stands standing there for Dylan and Gabbie, and the drums in the center. The piano, bass, and guitar were all plugged into their own amps, but the drums weren't, since they were, well, drums. No one really officially played the drums, unless one of our parents or someone wanted to join in on a song or two that they knew. We also had a few percussion instruments scattered around that we might've needed for certain songs, played by people like a few of our relatives, who couldn't play actual instruments.

"You're right!" Gabbie sighed. "How long do we have until we start?"

"About an hour," Dylan said, checking his watch.

"Okay, cool."

We all walked out into the sunlight and see people walking through the gate and greeted everyone as they passed. I was about to go see who it was when I felt someone grab my arm.
I turn and see it's Dylan. "What's up?"

"Come here for a second." He pulls me back under the cabana, as Tommy and Gabbie keep walking, obviously not noticing our disappearance.

"What? Is something wrong?" I asked, worriedly.

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