Bad Case of Love

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Today was the day, again. Today was the day that Gabbie and I had our meeting with Jake. After taking a quick shower, I walked up to the closet where I had put my clothes in. After trying on a few different outfits, I decided on a simple black fitted tank top with a brown suede jacket and jeans. I straightened my hair, which always made it look longer. Once it was done, it reached about midway down my back. I added a little natural makeup—enough to hide some blemishes, but not enough to let people know I was wearing it. I gave myself one more once over in the mirror and nodded at myself, happy with the way I looked.

I walked down the hall to the living room. I saw Dylan sitting on the couch, watching TV. I took it that Noah was still asleep. Granted, it was pretty early. I was pretty surprised, actually, to see Dylan up.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hi!" He immediately sprung up from the couch, confirming my assumption that he was only up this early to talk to me about my meeting. "You nervous?" he asked.

"To be honest, I'm not really sure." I shrugged, leaning against the wall. "I'm excited, but I'm also scared."

"So, you're nervous," he chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I half-smiled.

"Please, I'm always right. And, anyway, don't worry, you're going to do fine! I remember how nervous Noah and I were before our meeting."

"Yeah, uh, four years ago, though?" I answered.

"Yeah, still feels like yesterday. Still, trust me! You'll be fine! You always ace interviews!"

He was right. Ever since high school, I've always been super calm and collected during interviews. For some reason, though, this was much much different. Probably because this could ACTUALLY MAKE OR BREAK THE REST OF MY CAREER. IF I SCREW THIS UP GABBIE AND I MIGHT GET BLACKLISTED FROM EVERY OTHER RECORD LABEL OUT THERE AND—

Calm down. You'll be fine.


I met Gabbie in front of her apartment building. She got in and greeted me with a cheery "Good morning." I responded the same. I noticed that Gabbie was wearing clothes similar to mine. She was wearing a red button down shirt, much deeper than the almost orange color of her hair.

As we drove, we talked about how nervous we were, but also telling the other that they were going to be fine.

After about a 20 minute drive into town, we arrived at the building where we were supposed to meet Jake. 

"You ready?" I asked, looking up at the building towering above us. It must've been at least 80 stories high.

"Yeah," Gabbie nodded, grinning widely. "Let's do this!"

We turned in unison and marched into the building. We were greeted with a relatively small lobby. The walls had a white and black marbled pattern and the floor was a glossy hardwood. The room was pretty much a square, aside from the small hallway straight ahead, which had four elevator doors—two on each side—and a door at the very end, which had a white sign with red lettering that had mostly been chipped away. It looked like it used to read something like "EMPLOYEES ONLY PAST THIS POINT".

There was a woman with her blonde hair done up in a bun sitting behind a white, semi-circle desk against the wall. She was wearing what looked to be a once-sharp business suit, but now had been worn a couple times and no longer was as crisp and perfect as when it was store bought. Instead of making her look less professional, it actually made her look much more personable and much more approachable.

Just The Two Of UsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin