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"What's up? How did it go? What did he say?" Gabbie asked as soon as she picked up the phone. I was still in my room, lying on my bed, as I had been for the past half an hour. I couldn't believe I had let myself get my hopes up like that. I should've known it wasn't going to go anywhere. I should've known he didn't feel anything like I did. He only did it to make me feel better. He didn't actually have feelings for me. He would've told me if he did.

"Welllllllll..." I dragged out, not really wanting to talk about it just yet. At least, not over the phone. This was a conversation to have with her in person. That way, if I broke down—which honestly wasn't that far off of a possibility at this point—I would've had her to hold me up and help me through it.

"Oh," she muttered, understanding what had happened just from my tone. "Okay, you are coming home immediately."

"Yeah, I was planning on it," I chuckled.
"So, what happened exactly?"

"Y'know, I'd rather not tell you over the phone. Let's just say that when I tell you in detail, I might need a shoulder to cry on."

"Oh no... Well, then you'd better get here ASAP. Do you need me to help you get your things?"

"No, they're still in all the boxes. I'll just ask Dylan to help me. I'll be back in like an hour."

"Okay, see you then! And don't spare me any of the details!"

"Okay, I promise I won't. Bye!"

"Bye!" I hung up the call and I sat up. I sniffled a little and made sure that there weren't any visible signs that I had been crying. There was no way I could've let either of them know I had been crying over this.

I walked out of my room and down the hall, towards the kitchen. I heard Noah and Dylan talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Well... "talking" wouldn't be the right word. "Arguing" would be a better one. They were harshly whispering to each other, as if they specifically didn't want me to hear.

As I got closer, I was able to somewhat make out what Dylan had said.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why on earth would you do that? You should know—"

"Guys?" I asked, standing in the doorway. Both their heads shot over to me and they turned away from each other, Dylan back to the table to his laptop, Noah back towards the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"Nothing," they said in unison. Based on their tone, that seemed to be the first thing they had agreed on during the whole conversation.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I walked over and sat across from Dylan. "Anyway, I ask you guys something." Dylan's head shot over towards me so quick, I was surprised he hadn't gotten whiplash. He looked hopeful almost, probably thinking that Jake had gotten back to us. Noah, on the other hand, just had an interested look on his face, as if he genuinely wanted to hear what I had to say. "So, thanks for letting me stay with you guys, but Gabbie's back, so I'm going to be heading back home. I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind helping me bring my things down to the car?"

"No, not at all," Noah said, capping his water bottle.

"Okay, thanks guys. All my stuff is still in the boxes anyway, so we just have to bring them down to the car. Between the three of us, it shouldn't be that hard."


Before I had left, Dylan made me promise him that we were going to talk because there was absolutely no way that we were going to go another year without talking—or talking as little as we did the year prior. I was perfectly fine making that promise because I was going to say it anyway. I always needed my brother in my life—now more than ever, considering all the craziness surrounding The Dreamers.

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