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Song Of Chapter:

Overwhelming (Jon Bellion)


Today was the day. The day of the concert. I practically fell off the couch. The concert was at 7 so i had to be ready by 6 so we could be there early. Even tho the front row passes have us in first we still wanted to be there. I packed everything in my TOP backpack because I was also meeting my adopted family. I'm nervous but at the same time excited to meet them or who ever they are. I walked into the kitchen with a huge smile on my face with my tongue peeking through my teeth like Josh. I did the same thing I do every morning and got myself ready for the day. I brushed my teeth, took a shower, got dressed, cleaned a little bit, and read a few stories that were on Wattpad. One of the stories I was reading was a book called Two Happy Boys. (IDK if it's a real book. If it is cool. GO READ IT!!) It was a pretty good book.

5 hours later

Natalie and I decided to walk to the nearest Walmart and get us art stuff. I got a huge sketch book with 200 pages, sketching pencils, sketching pens, gel pens, color pencils, Sharpies in different colors and a fidget spinner that was black with a hint of gold. We walked past a few people who gave me weird looks because of my shirt. It was a Guardians Of The Galaxy shirt that I bought from Hot Topic so. We walked past the local farmers market and a few other things going on around Natalie's neighborhood.

When we got back to her house we saw her mom home early. She was in the kitchen making something. It was 5 and we had to be there by 6. We walked in the kitchen to see her mom plating our food. It was TACOS!!!! Stacy knew how much I loved tacos. We sat at the table practically inhaling our food.

As we drove to the venue we listened to their songs. Holding Onto You played and it was always my favorite for different reasons. ( If it's not your favorite then replace it with a different song). We listened to about 6 different songs before we arrived at the venue. We got out of the car and walked over to where a lot of the fans where. Many of them where jumping up and down, screaming, and some even crying. We walked up to the front of the line as many people just glared at us. We showed security our passes and they had us go in. My stomach had a knot of what felt like a lot of butterflies in my stomach and all of them are just waiting to explode out of my stomach. They made sure we didn't have anything bad and let us through. With the money that Stacy gave me, and the money that I saved up, I decided to but a t-shirt with the tour dates on it and a few others, a hoodie, and a beanie. We walked to where we were gonna be and stood there as the entire room filled up with Clique members. One girl came up behind us with a flag and sharpies. We turned around and signed our names on the flag. I did mine in a dark blood red.

We waited for about 40 minutes and then it happened. The lights went out and the black curtain revealed Blurryface. He sang and then the curtain dropped. Tyler and Josh popped up and my heart was beating out of my chest like crazy. A few tears left my eyes as they started singing HeavyDirtySoul. Tyler was screaming and Josh was drumming hard to the beat and music. I felt alive as the music played. As Tyler fell to the floor everyone gasped and Josh hit his drums harder as everyone sang the lyrics for Tyler.

Holding Onto You started and tears streamed down my face. My song came on and it always had a place in my heart. I always listened to it when I thought of my parents. It made me feel better I guess.

Adopted By Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now