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Song Of The Chapter:

Haunting (Halsey.)


I felt someone nudge me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Tyler and Josh looking at me. "Good morning beautiful." Josh said. "Morning?" I said a little confused. "Oh ya you slept through the whole night. I tried waking you up for dinner but you wouldn't wake up." Josh said as he looked at me as I sat up. "Oh. Uh not to sound rude or anything. Uh why's Tyler here." I asked a little confused. "Well he's here because we have to go back on tour." Josh said. "Does that mean I'm by myself here?" I said a little scared. "No no no. You're coming on tour with us." Josh said in a soft tone. "Oh. Ok." I said in a more excited tone. "Well let's go get you packed." Josh said as he stood up.

I walked into my room and admired every part about it. The posters of my favorite bands, the black walls, my black bed, the Christmas lights that hung above my walk in closet. The everything was amazing. I walked into the closet and started taking my clothes off the hangers. A lot of band t-shirts like Twenty One Pilots, 30 Seconds To Mars, Three Days Grace, Skillet, Panic At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, The Offspring, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Troye Sivan, Pierce The Veil, Bring Me The Horizon, Sleeping With Sirens, Starset, and Other great bands. I packed 2 sketch books, a ton of gel pens, a shit ton of color pencils, markers, sketch pencils, pencil sharpeners, and fine point pens. I packed things to last me for 5 months at the most. I put all that in a huge black suitcase as I grabbed other crap like my computer, my chargers, and extra things. As I put all the stuff in the suitcase my door opened. I looked and saw Jenna, Tyler's wife. "Hey (Y/N). How are you?". Jenna asked in a sweet tone. "Oh I'm good. How are you Jenna?" "I'm quite good. So how's living with Josh?" She asked in a happy tone. "Oh it's amazing. I'm having the time of my life here in California. The amazing weather and just everything else is amazing." I said to her as I packed my Bluetooth speaker that had a MCR sticker on it. "So do you need any help with packing?" Jenna asked. "Uh no. I'm almost done just need to pack my throw blankets, a pillow and a few more pairs of clothes oh and shoes but then otherwise I'm ok but thanks for asking." I told her. "Yup. Well we'll be downstairs making some lunch. What kind of soup do you want oh and swiss or American cheese?" She asked. "Uh tomato soups fine with me and swiss." I told her as she nodded. She slowly closed the door and left. I walked over to my phone and put on music. The Phoenix came on by Fall Out Boy. I started packing jeans, shorts, and a few extra t-shirts. I grabbed a pair of boots, ankle high converse, and knee Converses.

After packing I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. My Black socks hit the ground and the coldness went through the thick material making me shiver a little. "Hello Gorgeous." Josh said as I walked over to the chair right next to him. "Hi." I replied back as Jenna smiled at me. "Alrighty you repressed emos. Lunch is ready." Tyler said as he turned around. I giggled at his CrankThatFrank reference. Tyler set a plate with a good looking swiss grilled cheese in front of me.

I licked my lips getting all excited. "Anything special that you wanna drink?" Tyler asked as he opened the refrigerator door. "Uh is it okay if I have Redbull?" I asked as I noticed the cans of Redbull. "Sure. I don't see anything wrong with it." Josh said. Tyler grabbed 3 Redbulls and set one in front of me. All throughout lunch we talked about albums for other bands and what type of music we're into.

"Well lunch was amazing but we have a bus to catch." Tyler said. I jumped off the chair and went to put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher. "Do you want me to bring my stuff downstairs?" I asked as Josh got off his chair. "Ya. Just put your stuff by the door with the rest of the stuff." Josh said as he put his bowl and plate away. I ran up the stairs to go get my stuff. I slowly opened the door to my room and ran over to my stuff. I grabbed my MCR backpack and threw it over my back. I then grabbed my suitcase and tried my best to get it down the stairs. As I rolled it out of my room it wasn't so easy to get it down the stairs. "Can someone help me get this down the stairs." I yelled. I noticed Tyler and Josh at the end of the stairs. Josh giggled and Tyler just walked up the stairs to help me. "Here let us carry that down the stairs for you." Josh said as he grabbed the handle of the suitcase. Both him and Tyler got the suitcase down the stairs. Jenna stood at the door waiting for us. "I see you all are ready." Jenna said. "Is the bus here?" Tyler asked. "Uh almost. Mark text me and told me he was right around the corner which means we need to get outside and wait for him." Jenna said. Tyler and Josh helped me get my suitcase outside. Josh turned closed the door and turned around, locking the door. Just as he turned around the bus appeared. Mark honked the horn making Tyler jump a little. I giggled as he jumped. The doors opened and we all got in the huge bus.

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