Chapter 6

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'How the f*** did you get  in my mind!!'

I was the one who brought you here, from another world. Connecting to another being's  mind is a walk in the park compared to that.

'....Point taken, so why are you talking to me?'

Well, you were confused as to why you have a bit of a headstart in terms of strength, don't you?


That is because I chose or appointed you as a scion, when you grow old enough to see your titles, you will see 'Scion of God'.

'Okay, so that's why.... wait, why didn't you tell me this earlier?'

*Ahem* let's move on, shall we?

'You forgot didn't you?'

Oh someone is calling me, goodbye!

'Hey, get back here!'


'Did he really just leave?'


'What kind of god does that?!'

Then, something touches my front leg, and when I look down, it was one of my siblings looking up at me with their eyes wide open.


'What do you do with a baby?'

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