Beauty & The Beast

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It didn't have a name so I named this Beauty & The Beast. My sister is who I was talking about during the last bit. :) I wrote this at least 5 years ago, maybe more. I'm not entirely sure. (Oh look....I rhymed.) lol

To color you with words.

Seems but a simple task to most;

Yet what your features claim to mean

Words of the mouth are lost.

Some say we have a soul—

Some say none at all.

But how do you measure the depth of what one holds?

People have a saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." 

So what to memory do you have to say?

Why does beauty need a cost or worth?

Time can't wrinkle who you are—

But my old pictures are starting to fade...

Yet my memory of you is like looking in a looking glass—

I see you clearly every day.

The life in your eyes may have vanished—

But in my dreams you remain like new.

And as dawn and dusk come and go

You’re forever young, forever beautiful.

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