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Sooo, said it was subject to change, well it changed. lol Read on. Still up for changes. lol


Let go of all the anger,
Take it out on me,
Just don’t bottle it up inside,
Beat me until I bleed.

Drag me under the waves,
Drown me as you seethe,
Just don’t let me go,
I don’t have to breathe.

Cut me into pieces,
Drag the blade where you please,
Just don’t stop this time,
Bring me to my knees.

Burn me to my core,
Set a fire through all of my veins,
Just don’t hold anything back,
I’ll be fine in the flames.

Let go of all the pain,
Give it to me to keep,
Just don’t hold onto it,
Kill me till you fall asleep.

And I’ll hold onto all the darkness,
I’ll lock it away from your sleeping form,
Throw away the bloody key,
And keep you sheltered from the storm.

I don’t mind the scrapes and bruises,
If it’s what helps you to heal,
I’ll take whatever you throw my way,
Because that’s not what I want you to feel.

And I’ll wrap you in my arms,
Promise you I won’t let go,
Be that anchor for your ship,
Don’t want them to damage my home.

Because you’re not the only one with ghosts,
I have nightmares too,
But you've been my safe haven from the demons,
And I can’t let them get to you.

I'll guide them away from you,
Cast stars among their shadows,
Scorch their hide and flesh,
Be a sacrifice if I have to.

As much as they love the darkness,
They seek to destroy any light,
So they easily turn from you,
I'm the new target in their sight.

The demons claw and scratch,
Roar their hate into my ears,
Snap their fangs at my throat,
Whisper to me countless fears.

They tell me you're not good,
That I'm a blind little girl,
It's when the angels agree with them,
My doubt in you unfurls.

I've always had Heaven on my side,
And I'll always fight among the angels,
Even though I know you're not one of them,
That you've never worn a halo.

And truly, we’ve never been a lot alike,
Always friends though we stood on opposite shores,
Yet this time when I call out to you, 
You aren’t listening anymore.

At one time I hoped I could rescue you,
I was always reaching out my hand,
Just wanted to save you like you did me,
But my anchor’s sinking into the sand.

It weighs me down and keeps me steady;
I'm just waiting to see what you will do.
But as I watch you don't look out for me,
And I see you aren't the man I once knew.

I was a girl who saw a hero,
Where only a monster stood.
I saw more than most people have,
More than most people could.

Thought you were a God send,
Someone who saved me from myself,
Didn't want to see you be so broken,
But only pieces of that boy is left.

The words seep back into my heart,
Now I see them as a prohesy,
That you've finally become the villain,
Though that's something you claimed to be originally.

The demons got one thing wrong though-
I was never blind to your cruelty;
But I also saw your tenderness,
Those two counterparts always dueling.

They think I don't know you're haunted,
Think I can't see their sin,
Believe I don't know you like I do,
Believe their stains don't show through your skin.

But I see their disfigured form,
In the bent shape of your shadow;
And it's their marks that have bled into your flesh,
That warrant the future battle.

For now you keep your distance,
They've turned your back on all you know,
They're taking over your vessel,
And now they're inspecting your soul.

Because a demon knows many things,
Like how to infect your heart and mind,
He'll take that peace you have,
Leaving a shell of pain and hate behind.

And so their poison spreads on slow and thick,
Coating the ship in their visage,
And when you reach out to that boy you once knew,
He slips away like a silken mirage.

Now there's an emptiness inside of you,
That the demons want to fill,
A nothingness stretches out your organs,
And it won't stop until your blood is spilled.

And I can see the void that lingers,
You pick at it like some sort of sore,
It's what has infected your mind,
Branched out till it reached your core.

It swallowed all the boy's innocence,
Devours the man you could be,
If you'd only ignore his sharp tongue,
Maybe then they'd have no choice but to release.

He may turn you against us,
But the war rages on,
He may drag you towards insanity,
But you don't have to give up and say "You've won".

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