Midnight's Morning

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Written a really long time ago, around the same time as the previous ones.

A Midnight's Morning blooming,

The Twilight is fueling,

A New Moon's arriving,

The Call is rising.

As It swallows up the day,

Feel the blood singing in Our veins.

Hear Our Brother's croons—

We Drinkers of the Moon.

Hear the Night—It's calling,

We Dark Shadows are transforming.

Trading eyes—blue for amber—

Now We're no longer tamer.

We hunt, take flight—

Running through the Night.

No sooner than We've gone,

We taste that sweet ruby on Our tongues.

Our golden eyes are flaming,

Blood on Our coats, the beast we’re claiming.

The Moon's silver glow dancing in the pool of red,

Reminding Us of Our Morning's end.

The Moon starts fading past skies horizon,

We gather for Our Sun's setting—for daylight’s arrival.

The dawn is breaking—hear Our last cry,

For now it's the time of Our Midnight's Morning demise.

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