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Nour's PoV

Now that we are back at camp with Georgina we can carry on our game of truth or dare, yay! It is my go-revenge... "Piper, truth or dare?" Luckily for me she says Dare so I get up and whisper her dare in her ear, she looks uneasily at Georgina but drags my screaming, crying friend to the Aphrodite cabin... Once they are gone I speak up once more and we all leave ready to set up for my evil dare...

Georgina's PoV

I hate this, I hate this- ohhh and did I mention I hate this! Though looking at me in the mirror I do look like Elsa from the film Frozen as long as they don't make me sing it will be fine...

Leo's PoV

Yay it is my go, "cutie in the dress truth or dare? (She says dare even though she knows that she, the hot girl in the hot dress knows that she will regret it) I dare you to sing let it go on the top of the big house right after tea tonight ohhh, and you have got to stay in that outfit until the dare is complete." Looking at her grief stricken face I know that she is gonna hate it, score!

Georgina's PoV

Uhh ohh, tea is almost over and I don't want to sing on the top of the big house, one I hate hights two I hate singing in public and three I hate being the centre of attention!...

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