Intrude on Sabertooth

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The master of Sabertooth forced Yukino to throw everything away. Without disobeying him, Yukino stripped off her outfit she was wearing. Her clothes neatly folded onto the floor. She was bare naked for Jiemma and the entire guild to see. Some had the decency to look away, but most of them looked down upon her as inferior.

"Erase that emblem. You don't deserve to wear it." Jiemma orders Yukino her to get rid of blue Sabertooth emblem on her flat abdomen.

"Yes, sir." Yukino says. Frosh worries over the shamed Yukino while Lector tells him to hush up. "I haven't been here that long, but thank you for allowing me to join the guild." Yukino tries to hold back her tears.

"I don't need your gratitude. Now get out of my sight!" Jiemma gives her the final order.

After the banishment of Yukino, Sting and Rogue, along with their respectable Exceeds, head back to their rooms.

"That was pretty intense. It was hard to watch." Sting comments. Lector and Frosh were walking side-by-side.

"That's what you get for being weak. She was holding us back, so we had to let her go." Lector states.

"Poor Yukino. I'm really going to miss." Frosh says softly. He was saddened by the fact she had to leave. Rogue stops walking, thinking back to what (Y/N) said about being friends and how she was so sure Fairy Tail would win the Games. It was baffling to him.

"Is this how a guild is supposed to run?" Rogue beings to question Sabertooth's rule of the strongest survive. Sting turns around to look back at his partner. They stay silent for a few moments. "Yukino was one of us, just like (Y/N) and her Exceed." Sting shrugs his shoulders.

"She screwed up, so that's why she's gone. And the same goes for (Y/N) and her Exceed. All three were the weakest links, so they would have just held us back." Sting begins to walk away with Lector following him. Rogue glares at him while Frosh begins to worry.

"Oh, did you hear? Rumor has it that Minerva is coming back to replace Yukino in the lineup." Lector tells Sting.

"Excellent. With our lady back, we'll have the strongest force to dominate this tournament." Sting and Lector heads on back to their room. Rogue continues to watch them leave.

"Hey, Rogue." Rogue sees Frosh with tear capsules in his eyes. "Will I have to leave because I am weak too?"

"That won't happen, Frosh. I promise." Rogue fondly smiles at his worried partner. "You have nothing to worry about." Frosh nods in relief.

"I hope you're there forever."

Your POV

The Games were over for today. I was walking back to the inn with Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Charla, and Gato. Natsu talks about being stuffed from eating. Wendy asks Lucy about the living arrangements for the team. Since she's been recovering in the hospital, I understand her curiosity. They were also discussing how Gray was in a pickle with Juvia and Lyon. Also, we had no idea where Erza ran off too.

"Hey, there's a girl standing in front of our inn." Natsu points out.

"Oh yeah, she seems familar. Where have we seen her before?" Wendy adds.

"Really? How can you tell from here?" Lucy tries to see a distant figure in front of the inn. However, the silver hair was a dead giveaway. I was shock to see Yukino with a suitcase next to her. I can only assume she got kicked out, but I don't see any scratches or bruises on her.

"Hey, you're that girl from Sabertooth." Natsu points out.

"Yeah. She's the Celestial Wizard. What is she doing here?" Lucy asks curiously. All of us stood in front of her to greet her.

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