Chapter 3

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They had finally arrived to the planet Taujeer, it was full of people, well aliens, greeting them.

The taujeerians took them to their castle, it was huge, a White Castle full of black crystals that shined with the moonlight, it had a long corridor that leaded to the main and biggest area of the castle, where was a large table, all the decorations were in silver and gold tones, you could see how much effort the taujeerians had put on all of the arrangements for that important dinner.

Lance hadn't left Keith's hand since they got down from the ship, he was being very protective on Keith.
They sat on their assigned chairs, Lance was sitting in front of Keith, something that was truly bothering him, he wanted, no, he needed to be close to him.
What Lance also didn't like was the male Taujeerian that was sitting next to Keith, he had his eyes on him, ready to jump if he did something inappropriate, but if he did he was probably going to give a big problem to Allura, who will have to deal with lots of angry taujeerians because a paladin almost killed one of them, so he was just watching them time to time, trying not to be too obvious.

The dinner was fine, taujeerian food was pretty much like human food so they enjoyed it a lot. After that, some taujeerians brought some pretty good looking desserts.
Keith was ready to eat his desert when he felt a hand pressing his thigh, he was going to yell at the taujeerian next to him when this one said
"Shh don't speak" the voice he used was deep and Keith's ears went down immediately, he didn't know why that voice was so intense, it had such an effect on him, it was frustrating, it was horrible.
Lance felt Keith's tension and turned to him, looking at him in the eyes, he gesticulated a "it's something wrong?" With his lips, and Keith just answered denied shocking his head.
He was unable to speak, but if that taujeerian kept pressing his thigh he was totally going to squeak for help.

"I'll go outside to take some proves of those black crystals, they could be useful if the balmerian ones ever stop working" said pidge getting up from her sit, Keith got up fast releasing himself from the taujeerian.
" you want to come with me?" Pidge asked to Keith, he nodded. "Great then lets go"
They both walked...well ran, out of the room.
Lance was about to follow them when one of the taujeerians asked if his lion was good underwater, because they had a huge sea, and if there was another attack they could maybe consider attacking from underwater.
Allura glanced at lance, waiting for him to answer, he saw Keith and pidge finally disappear outside, in the dark night, he sighed and politely replied to the taujeerian, explaining all the abilities his lion had.

-Meanwhile outside-

Keith and pidge found a huge amount of crystals inside an area of the wood nearby the castle.

"Hey you ok?" Asked pidge when they were grabbing some of the crystals

"Y-yeah I was just having some 'unwanted' attention" he sighed "something I should get used to"

"Well you should just mate with lance" said pidge grabbing some more crystals, then she carefully placed them inside her backpack

"W-what?! No!...i mean" he couldn't lie to pidge, they had become pretty close, and she was like a little sister to him now "I-I would like to, I really would...but mating it's something that it's for life...I can't give him such a responsibility, it wouldn't be fair"

She gave him an understanding look "well but you should tell him tho I think that would be-" Keith interrupted pidge by muffing her placing a hand on her mouth

"Did you hear that?" He asked her whispering, pidge slowly removed Keith's hand from her mouth, his ears now were way more sensitive to everything and he was able to hear things from far away.

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