Chapter 6

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Lance let out an strangled breath before clenching his shirt where his chest was
everyone turned to look at him with surprised faces
"What's wrong with Keith lance?"
Asked shiro walking towards him

—— Lance's POV——

I felt my heart ache like it never did before
It burned so much I thought it was actually melting, there was a constant beep in my ears, I felt how he was in distress.
"Keith...keith is in trouble" I mumbled almost out of breath.

The others looked at me concerned, but then the rebel on screen fell unconscious revealing the general behind him.

Then we herd a ship taking off from the castle

"Everyone to the lions" said shiro, to which everyone agreed.

I rushed to my lion as fast as I could manage to, I was feeling weak and the beep in my ears wouldn't stop.
We took off and followed the intruder's ship

I started shooting at it, I wasn't going to let them get away with Keith, not Keith...I was completely blinded, I knew that all this relationship between omegas and alphas was strong but I never thought that I would be able to experience my mate's fear, anger, sadness...or even feel completely nothing.
The only thing that brought me back from my deepest thoughts was pidge screaming in the communicator, and then everything went completely black.

—no ones pov—

The galra ship went into a wormhole right after taking care of the frenetic blue lion.
The just kidnaped omega was on the back of the ship, still unconscious but with cuffs, Lotor knew that he was someone with good fighting skills plus anger issues, so he didn't want to have any problems with the now sleeping beauty.

Omegas were weird to find, the alien species were slowly changing  and every new born was loosing the ability to carry children and produce pheromones if they were qualified as omegas. Nobody really knows why this is happening, but everyone assumes that is part of the "evolution of species", this was making only females able to have children, and there wasn't a 100% chance of Keith being one of the males able to breed, due to being half human.

Meanwhile, the Paladins has to put Lance inside a healing pod, in his desperate act of trying to save Keith no matter what, he ended up being shot, leaving him unconscious for the time being.
Although, there was tension in the ship, you could say that air could be cut with a pair of scissors.

"So now what?" Asked Hunk concerned as he crossed his arms "the Galra ship disappeared, lance is unconscious, Keith is gone oH...oH no I think I'm nauseous again this is bad" he said covering his mouth with one hand, as he looked at Pidge who didn't leave the computer ever since.

"Alright we need a plan, we can't just travel across the universe and hope to find them somehow" Said shiro as he paced across the room, Allura and Coran nodded thinking until Pidge interrupted.

"Actually, that might be the best idea" she said with a sigh as everyone looked at her worriedly "the ship didn't have any trackers that I could find, keith wasn't wearing his armor and I can't find him without it...I'm sorry"

Their world seemed to go down with what Pidge said, what would they tell lance when he wakes up?...
Shiro had to sit down running a hand through his hair, everything seemed to be going so well and they would never see Keith again.
Allura and Coran soon sat down too, along with Hunk who kept his gaze on the ground defeated.
They stayed in a sad silence for a couple of minutes before Allura decided to stand up.

"We can't let this bring us down, we will find Keith, it doesn't matter how many wormholes, or how many planets we have to cross to recover him but I can assure you that we will" she said with a smile that soon went contagious "we are the Paladins of Voltron, and we don't let our friends...our family..down, never" she then turned to Pidge who had a smile that shone with determination "Prepare possible places where they could have jumped, we are starting immediately"

———- 3 Days Later ———

Lance fell down from the healing pod, his legs not able to hold all his Edith resulting in a rough awakening on the ground.
He sat up holding his head, the thought of Keith being taken away repeated itself over and over again, like a nightmare, a nightmare we wanted over, he wanted to wake up holding Keith's tiny body, with his soft skin against his, see those tired yet beautiful eyes in the morning, feel his sweet scent, that one that drove his inner self crazy...god he missed him, he missed him and it was killing him slowly.
A screaming Hunk and Pidge broke his miserable bubble as he was covered in hugs and kisses from both his friends.

"Oh you are fine! God you are fine! Never do that again lance you will give us a heart attack you idiot Alpha!" Pidge screamed as Hunk cried of joy

"Keith...did you find him? How long was I out?" Where the first words that he could manage to say as he gratefully returned his friend's hug

"Oh we are fine too don't worry, you were out for 3 days, you have us a good scare" Said Pidge separating herself from her friend "Keith is well weoH now what's wrong with your hair?" She said getting closer seeing Lance's roots that presented a white color.

"What's wrong with my hair now? I've been in that thing for 3 days, you can't expect it to look fabulous as always" he said trying to smooth down his hair

"What, no no no you idiot, it's turning white"

"Might be from stress, oh Pidge take a look at mine, I might be Allura by now too!" Said hunk pulling at his hair.

"Hunk please" Pidge gave him a serious face "this has to be something related with Keith, I...we might need to call Kolivan, he's the one who understands the most about all this Alpha and Omega situations" she let out a sigh.

"Maybe I'm just turning altean?" Proposed Lance still confused at the whole situation.

"Don't be ridiculous, having white hair doesn't make you altean, what about Shiro then? Are you going to tell me he's altean?" Pidge has now her arms crossed waiting for her friend's reply

"Well maybe he's half altean? Because not all his hair is whi-""No no shut up I don't wanna hear it, this conversation makes no sense, I'll go call Kolivan, Hunk take Lance to his room he needs to rest that imaginative head of his" Pidge let out a small laugh as she saw Lance's pissed face.
Now the team had something else to figure out.

Well, Took me long enough, but here it is.
I can't even begin to thank you all for all the love and support you give this little fanfic of mine
Thanks y'all 💕💕💕💕💕

I'll leave my instagram here where I upload drawings and maybe I'll start including some to this story
Instagram: gravity_maxx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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